@EmmaN_EONNext. Hi Emma, yes I did register my interest but it took several calls to get the correct information needed.
Fortunately, today I received and email to complete an income and an expenditure which I’ve done. I’ve been advised they will get back to me in 48 hours to let me know if I’m eligible.
Thanks for your support
I'm sorry to read of your obvious plight reading what you have posted.
When you got this email (a week ago) and replied with your I and E (income and expenditure) form filled in, what was the reply and did it come within the 48 hours promised? Or has there been no reply about your I and E submission?
@Prettyeyez I'm just so sorry to hear how much this experience has had an impact. We wouldn't want anyone to feel upset especially if it's a difficult time 💜
Please know we're here to listen and support you where we can, I think the next best steps, are to wait for the relevant team to get back in touch and hopefully provide further information on the eligibility requirements.
With that being said, it doesn't mean that we cannot provide further resources and information that could provide help and support with your current circumstances. If you haven't heard for some time, pop me a message and I'd be happy to take a look 🔎
Hopefully your complaint handler will have an update for you soon.
Keep me updated 🤗
When people are encouraged to believe that they are eligible for a substantial discount on their prices and/or debit balance, I'm afraid that being told that one isn't eligible after all, and then "it doesn't mean that we cannot provide further resources and information" without being specific, merely fans anger. Pray tells us what Eon Next can do for @Prettyeyez that we can see as being something tangible.
I'm afraid words are cheap.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
I’ve been pushed from pillar to post between the WST and the energy specialist team. No one seems to have the capacity to give me the correct information. I’ve been back and forth with both teams today and I’ve raised a complaint. They have acknowledged my I/E form but I was told that I was not eligible although it is clear that I meet the criteria that eon has laid out. I just think that eon is a Mickey Mouse company and haven’t got a clue what they are doing. So much confusion from a so called reputable company.
I think what they really mean is that although you meet their original criteria, they only have so many discounts (or so much monetary value), and there are people is a worse position than you, and so they get the discount and unfortunately you don't.
While this doesn't actually make your financial position worse, the process of applying, form filling, time and effort invested for an unsuccessful outcome is very dispiriting. and you have my greatest sympathy.
When people are encouraged to believe that they are eligible for a substantial discount on their prices and/or debit balance, I'm afraid that being told that one isn't eligible after all, and then "it doesn't mean that we cannot provide further resources and information" without being specific, merely fans anger. Pray tells us what Eon Next can do for @Prettyeyez that we can see as being something tangible.
We have limited information about this members account and can only go off of what we know. I do understand your concerns and I have reached out to @Prettyeyez privately so we can investigate and understand. Not all customers will be eligible and we are still working through those ones that are 👍
the point being that the original eligibility criteria was too wide and only comparatively few of those eligible will get the discount. Nobody here can say this or that person should get the discount because we’re not party to the facts, but I think far too many will end up disappointed.
No reasons given, the advisers on both teams have no clue! I’m baffled, what kind of people do they have working in customer care?
Sorry to hear this lack of detail in Eon Next deciding your ineligibility. The scheme has admirable aims but the deliverability has been beset with problems as appears to be the situation in your case.
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