Priority Services Register: What is it and how do I get added?

  • Connor_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Priority Services Register -

    What is it?

    If you’re a vulnerable customer and feel like you need some extra help with managing your energy account, we can add you to our Priority Services Register (PSR). You can add yourself to the register or update your circumstances any time through your online account or by emailing us at

    When you’re on the PSR, there are extra things we can do for you to make life easier:

    1. If your energy supply stops unexpectedly, we’ll prioritise reconnecting you straight away.
    2. If you’re struggling to read your bill or statement, let us know and we can help. Customers can also put 18001 in front of our customer service number to use text relay at no extra cost.
    3. You can choose someone to look after your account for you. If they’re happy to do this, we’ll send them your bills or statements.
    4. If you’re worried about security, you can choose a password our team will use to identify themselves.
    5. If a customer has any concerns reading the meter we can request a ‘walk order’ either every 3 or 6 months for a meter reader to visit the property.
    6. If a customer has a meter that is unsuitable due to vulnerabilities we can discuss further options, for example a customer with a prepayment meter can have the meter moved to a more accessible location to ensure they are able to top up easily.
    7. We can arrange annual gas checks.

    We have also partnered with Kidney Care UK to signpost additional help available to people living with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), including people who undertake their life saving dialysis at home. As well as this, if you're on the PSR and live with elderly people, live alone or with someone with a disability or chronic illness you could also get a free gas safety check.

    We also have the EON Next Energy Fund available for customer needing extra support - the Energy Fund could help you pay your E.ON Next energy bill arrears and even replace old appliances.

    How will I know if I'm eligible?

    You are eligible if you:

    • have reached your state pension age
    • are disabled or have a long-term medical condition
    • are recovering from an injury
    • have a hearing or sight condition
    • have a mental health condition
    • are pregnant or have young children
    • have extra communication needs (such as if you don’t speak or read English well)
    • need to use medical equipment that requires a power supply
    • have poor or no sense of smell
    • would struggle to answer the door or get help in an emergency

    If none of these apply to you - get in touch with us and ask about the PSR - we may have reasons not listed which we can apply

    Extra Support 🤝:

    Have you registered on the Priority Service Register (PSR) but still require some extra support? We are here to help and point you in the right direction of our further support channels!

    • Paylink - We’ve partnered with Paylink, a company who specialises in helping customers to understand and take control of their finances.
    • Stepchange - “We have more than 25 years’ experience providing free, expert debt advice. We offer the widest range of practical debt solutions of any provider in the UK.” You can find out more information on their website at Stepchange
    • Mind - If you feel financial concerns are affecting your mental health, you can reach out to our charity partner at Mind
    • Citizens Advice - Citizens advice can offer a wide range of guidance and support! You can find more information on what advice you can receive on their website at Citizens Advice
    • TellJo - TellJo is a questionnaire to offer personalised support and guidance! Check out our thread to find more information on TellJO here EON Next Extra support - TellJo
    • E.ON Heat - E.ON Heat provide a community heating system which supplies heating and hot water! Find more information on their website at E.ON Heat

    There are also many charities and companies that offer advice and support to people who have vulnerabilities or just need a little extra help!

    • Age UK - Age UK are a charity who help provide advice and support! visit their website at Age UK
    • Beat the Cold - Help to reduce fuel poverty and improve health and well-being, visit their website at Beat the Cold

    Winter Support :

    We've all been talking about getting Winter Ready - take a look at some of our other threads

    Lets get Winter ready - Prepayment
    Last edited by HelenaP_EONNext; 54 Minutes Ago at 21:05. Reason: Updated links
    🌳Together we can work to achieve a more sustainable Future 🌳
  • 1 Reply

  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Thanks @Connor_EONNext this thread is super helpful, I have just made sure my Grandad has been added with his supplier 😊
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳

    Looking for the latest price cap information? Visit this thread Ofgem energy price cap 1 July 2024 - How will this affect my E.ON Next tariff?