Price Cap: 1st October 2023

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  • Lottie0704's Avatar
    Level 1
    Can you explain the Eon Next Winter Support Tariff E and why are not all vulnerable customers being offered this tariff?
    Some background - My husband has Primary Progressive MS, meets all of the criteria, has multiple disability equipment that relies on electricity and we struggle greatly as he needs 24/7 care so I am unable to go out to find work and care for him at the same time to earn extra money to help this winter with the cost of living, well cost of surviving is probably a better description. We need to renew our tariff, the cheapest is pretty much what we pay currently when prices are supposed to be coming down. And if we want to take up a fixed tariff we have to pay £150 exit fee so there ends up even more expensive in the long run. We have been with Eon for many, many years and yet we are told today that this 'Special Tariiff' is not for all vulnerable customers and it is pretty much pot luck or luck of the draw to get it and he wasn't chosen for the campaign. I would call that discrimination and I am waiting for a deadlock letter? to now arrive via email to take more time away from my caring role (and time that I have already wasted on the call today) to then contact the ombudsman to escalate the matter as this is my only option as Eon are unable to offer this tariff to anyone who is not on the campaign. I will be honest and tell you that you are making a very vulnerable household feel even more vulnerable and not worthy of support.
    How can this decision be reviewed?
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    The option is open to anyone qualifying, but one of the qualifications is that you must have a smart meter.

    I tick all the other boxes but don't have a smart meter. and to be honest, my current LoyaltyV2 fix may be a fraction more than the Support tariff, but for me that's a small price to pay for not having one of the pesky things!

    There are no exit fees if you change tariff within Eon. Next. The fees only apply if you move to a different supplier.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hey @Lottie0704,

    I have popped you a DM 😊
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳

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  • PaulR's Avatar
    Level 2
    @Deviljane666 that's good news 😊 If you don't mind me asking was it the October prices? It might be helpful for another member if they come across the same situation in future 😉

    I've just initiated a tariff switch to the NextPledge Tracker this morning (to take effect from tomorrow, 01/10/23).

    The email issued to me, to confirm the switch, quotes the pre-October23 rates, despite the text in the email showing:

    "The prices we're quoting here apply from 1 October 2023. Up to this date your prices will be around £3 a week higher (based on Ofgem average usage)."

    My monthly DD has also been changed to the pre-October23 estimated cost.

    I'll have to see what my online account shows tomorrow, but it's poor service for the email to quote misleading info, and not what I signed up for.

    Update: Have been in touch with an EON Next representative on Whatsapp.
    Clarified that the figures on the email are indeed incorrect and that, behind the scenes, my account holds the correct tariff figures.
    Appears to be a glitch caused by the impending October23 price change.
    Last edited by PaulR; 30-09-23 at 13:32. Reason: Update
  • Darsh's Avatar
    Level 3
    Thanks for the reply. I was actually meaning the rates shown on my E.on Next online website Dashboard rather than my IHD.
    Presumably my rates will show as different to what they are now showing on the website account page from the 1st of October since I’m on the ‘Next Pledge Tracker 12m V1’ tariff? In other words I’m not going to need to switch manually to a V2 of this tariff if one gets released for October? I don’t think I will if I understand the nature of this tracker tariff correctly.
    Your understanding seems correct. As you're on the 'Next Pledge Tracker 12m V1' tariff, the rates displayed on your E.on Next online Dashboard should automatically align with the terms of your existing plan, avoiding the need for a manual switch.