Good afternoon after several days of calling customer services and being passed from one person to another I have to give up. All I want to do is change tariff.
i am logged into the website and the app, it gives me 4 options. However I don’t want them I want the next drive tariff.
if I log out of my account and go through the form it gives me the tariff straight away and states I’ll be on a temporarily tarif until they swap things over.
WHY WOULD I want two tariffs and two accounts with the same company?
why can’t I just swap tariffs like any normal human?
why have I spend 20 minutes here 36 minutes there and many minutes in between on hold and trying to sort this out!
Because you want to impose your way of doing things, and they want you to do it their way.. What's your objection to doing it their way - apart from instant change which i can fully understand.
It takes two to tango and if you don't do it their way you will not get what you want. How long will it take for them to change - anybody's guess.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
Good afternoon after several days of calling customer services and being passed from one person to another I have to give up. All I want to do is change tariff.
i am logged into the website and the app, it gives me 4 options. However I don’t want them I want the next drive tariff.
if I log out of my account and go through the form it gives me the tariff straight away and states I’ll be on a temporarily tarif until they swap things over.
WHY WOULD I want two tariffs and two accounts with the same company?
why can’t I just swap tariffs like any normal human?
why have I spend 20 minutes here 36 minutes there and many minutes in between on hold and trying to sort this out!
very disappointing and honestly draining.
I had no problem setting up the Next Drive tariff - just followed the requirement to request a quote, which came in an email the following day.
Then replied to that email to request the tariff and it was set up straight away.
No need to call anyone - no stress; just follow the procedure on the website and you'll find it all runs seamlessly 👍
I had no problem setting up the Next Drive tariff - just followed the requirement to request a quote, which came in an email the following day.
Then replied to that email to request the tariff and it was set up straight away.
No need to call anyone - no stress; just follow the procedure on the website and you'll find it all runs seamlessly 👍
Were you already a customer?
the tarif does not show on our account, yes if I fill in the account as a new person I can have it, but that mean two accounts and tow tariffs etc etc. why can’t customer service just do it from their end whilst I’m on the phone.
they had full access to my account but said the same as me.
@meldrewreborn I think I forgot to mention I’m a customer and they are a supplier. I wanted a new tariff and staff didn’t have a clue how to give it to me and kept telling to log into my account and do it myself.
that’s not me imposing my will, that is asking for a company to do their job.
PS when someone did finally log into my account to change my tariff they were left scratching their heads like it was their first day.
this should not be so difficult
Were you already a customer?
the tarif does not show on our account, yes if I fill in the account as a new person I can have it, but that mean two accounts and tow tariffs etc etc. why can’t customer service just do it from their end whilst I’m on the phone.
they had full access to my account but said the same as me.
Yes - they only supply the Next Drive tariff to existing customers.
I had changed suppliers from BG a few weeks beforehand, so was on the NextFlex tariff when I applied for Drive
You have to apply for a quote as it's not currently available as a major tariff yet - still experimental I think, and as I understand ToU tariffs are not global anyway, and depend on your actual location (hence the requirement for a personal quote)
I got that you were a customer already. .But if you want the tariff and were aware of the way to get it why not go with that method? As has been pointed out its only available to existing customers, so all who want it (very few I expect) have a way of applying for it.
I've a car to scrap because of the ULEZ - there is a process, its set out on their (tfl's) website and I have to go along with it. I wish it were different but its not. Such is life.
@meldrewreborn I think I forgot to mention I’m a customer and they are a supplier. I wanted a new tariff and staff didn’t have a clue how to give it to me and kept telling to log into my account and do it myself.
that’s not me imposing my will, that is asking for a company to do their job.
PS when someone did finally log into my account to change my tariff they were left scratching their heads like it was their first day.
this should not be so difficult
If you ever see videos of the poor kids who work in call centres, they tend to have screens with all the standard questions, and follow pre-defined scripts to answer users' questions.
So if it's something new, like a new tariff - the chances are that they don't know much about it (unless their training/knowledge is well up to date)
To give them their due, they are constantly being barraged with hundreds of different queries - we as users are just focusing on our single problem and probably (with a bit of Googling) have a far greater knowledge of the issue than them!!!
I'd actually Googled myself for the requirements for getting this tariff, so knew how to apply for it which meant I didn't have to go through any of the frustration that you seem to have had.
well these people obviously dont have knowledge, in have been messinging for the last hour explain with the same stupid response, do it online do it yourself, we cant do it from here.
WHAT SORT OF COMPANY CANT EVEN SET UP A TARIFF? its like im living in clown world
well these people obviously dont have knowledge, in have been messinging for the last hour explain with the same stupid response, do it online do it yourself, we cant do it from here.
WHAT SORT OF COMPANY CANT EVEN SET UP A TARIFF? its like im living in clown world
The process that they'll be seeing on their screens is what you see on the website, to email your details requesting a quote
Then when you've received that and are happy, just respond to it and ask to be put on the tariff - simplez.
I don't understand why you're bothering to talk to anyone when you've already had it explained what the process is.
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