Gas smart meter not sending readings for nearly a year

  • Sylvie's Avatar
    Level 1
    We had our smart meter fitted September 22. Took until February 23 when we finally had an engineer visit to get electricity meter to regularly send automatic readings. Engineer expressed surprise at the type of meter we had installed, and told us this type usually had an aerial fitted to boost signal. We have no aerial fitted and anyway we have good mobile reception and live on top of a hill.

    Gas meter has never sent readings apart from test when it was installed. It was supposedly fixed by engineer in Feb 23 but we're still having to submit manual readings. Have tried to reset following instructions but still not working. Took manual reading today and showing 'STATUS F'. What does that mean?

    Also, any hope of a answer from EON.Next about what they are going to do to resolve this long-running issue? All I get is that the Smart Metering team are looking into it.
  • 5 Replies

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    If you haven’t already done so I would advise raising a customer complaint by sending an email to detailing what you have said here.

    They will have eight weeks to respond and/or do something before you can approach the ombudsman.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    In a working set up your gas meter should send data wirelessly to the communications hub attached to the electric meter, which then sends that onto your supplier. From what you say the gas meter is not fully installed properly. It either need to be fully installed or replaced - either requires an engineers visit.

    Historically Eon Next has dragged its heels on fixing this sort of problem - they get brownie points for installing meters, but none for making them work correctly. So engineers are prioritised for new installs but not for maintenance / repair. Its completely wrong but that's the way it has been /is.

    Personally I'd make a complaint - see the purple box below. The earlier you get your complaint in the better. One word of warning though, the complaints are handled by the same people who answer the phones - all are trained to the same standard and all, in Eon Next's eyes, capable of resolving the issue. The fact that Eon Next is at the lower end of customer satisfaction surveys should give you enough information for you to realise that you may have a fight to get this satisfactorily resolved.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Sylvie's Avatar
    Level 1
    Thank you, we already raised a complaint in April. We know we can go to the Ombudsman and have done so once before (which is why we think they organised an engineer visit) but as soon as we accepted the settlement Eon Next lost interest in resolving the issue. We are trying to give them a further opportunity to resolve it but are getting fed-up of poor communication and 'the Smart team are still looking into it'. It seems we are not alone.
  • Connor_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @Sylvie do you have any updates on this? I'm sorry for the time this is taking, I know how frustrating it must be
    🌳Together we can work to achieve a more sustainable Future 🌳
  • Sylvie's Avatar
    Level 1
    Thank you Connor but unfortunately matters have, if anything got worse. We thought we were getting an engineer's visit as we were sent a form to fill in which said once we completed it availability would be looked at. Now another staff member has told us that is not the case and that 'the smart metering team are looking into it'. No-one will take responsibility for sorting it out.