Negative Data Share due to Miscommunication – Seeking Advice and Sharing

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  • marti's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hello E.ON Community,

    I'm reaching out to share an ongoing issue I'm experiencing with E.ON involving an unexpected negative data share reported on my credit file. I believe this issue is largely a result of significant miscommunication on E.ON's end.

    Even though my regular checks on the E.ON online dashboard consistently showed £0 in arrears, I was socked to discover an outstanding bill for an unknown account during a credit check.

    Upon immediate payment of the discovered bill, I initiated a dialogue with E.ON, explaining that the Tenant Shop had provided all my contact details when I moved into the property. This included phone numbers and email address.

    E.ON responded by saying they needed direct contact from me, citing GDPR regulations as the reason; although the Tenant Shop has, to the best of my knowledge, 'lawful basis for processing'.

    My main concern is that throughout this period, I did not see any named letters or communications indicating any outstanding debt. Additionally, my regular checks on the E.ON dashboard, which was my only accessible platform for monitoring my account, consistently showed £0 in arrears.

    Despite my showing of good faith, E-ON refuses to recognise an error in communication, leaving me with a poor credit for something I was completely unaware of. My credit history is free of any other payment discrepancies, making this situation particularly distressing as I am unable to get a mortgage approved.

    If anyone here has navigated a similar situation or has insights on how to better manage this, I would greatly appreciate your input.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

  • 5 Replies

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    You are allowed to attach comments to your own credit file in response to any unfavourable report. That might be your first port of call. You would then need to put in a formal complaint to E.On Next stating your case (try emailing to try and get to the bottom of things. If that is unsuccessful then you could escalate the complaint to the ombudsman.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • marti's Avatar
    Level 1
    @retrotecchie thanks for your suggestions.

    I have an open case with E-ON complaint department. Complaint #961951. I have requested for a referral to the Energy Ombudsman. However, I am still hopping this can be solved with E-ON directly.

    It seems to me that this failure to register my details correctly might be due to a system limitation on E.ON's end, which doesn't allow for one email address to be associated with two different accounts. I suspect this as, after providing my email address to the newly discovered account, I lost access to any accounts altogether. Have you seen something like this happen before?
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Can't help you with that I'm afraid. I've only ever had one account with them so not up to speed on their limitations or otherwise.

  • marti's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hello E-ON Community,

    Has anyone else got any advice, or experienced a similar situation to the one I'm facing?

    I find it inexplicable that E-ON hasn't acknowledged the error in recording my contact details. All it would take is a simple correction on their end to resolve a matter that's currently standing in the way of purchasing a home for my growing family...

    Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.
  • Connor_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hello @marti Have you managed to talk to one of our Energy Specialists? It would be great if you could pop back and give us an update for this
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