They went through a UK mains multisocket extension from a plug-in energy monitor, so now I report on the total kiloWatt.hours (kWh) used by this group of things, plugged in all week and used occasionally, to charge the phone and the various batteries and for most of the week just doing nothing.
0.004 kWh.
That's right. I could run a 1kW fan heater for one hour with as much electricity as that lot would use in five years. We are all used to reading the energy saving advice to disconnect unused things such as phone chargers. This is Preliminary Spot Test Only: we should ask someone with a test group like Octopus Slough to try testing what they get. What do others who test find with their small chargers ?
Last edited by DebF_EONNext; 24-07-23 at 20:00. Reason: remove featured thread