Ivie Bud “always on” category

  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team

    I would be more than happy to go through the settings and features of the ivie Bud and the ivie App - so that I can help answer any questions anyone might have about them. Would you like a general breakdown of everything or just something in particular, such as the Activity Insights that @NCarolM has had issues with?

    Thanks all,

    The ivie Team

    Thanks for getting back @Will_ivieBud I think a general breakdown would be fantastic perhaps if you could also give us a bit more of a breakdown on how the insight's too that would be helpful 😊
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  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61

    I'd agree that the information on the app (given by the OP) would be highly misleading if I were relying on it. I'm quite happy to use the 'usage now' function on the IHD and this is probably going to be more useful for some/many than these aggregate numbers that we saw on the original screenshot. The other day I was playing a board game and I was down to my baseline draw of 36W. The FF kicked in and there was an immediate increase in the 'usage now' draw (cannot remember exactly what it was but the number was about right) and when the FF compressor went off the 'usage now' reverted back to the baseline draw. Same with using an electric throw etc etc. Easier to do it (monitor the draw of indivdual electrical appliances via the IHD) during the summer I guess and easier to do it with only 1-2 adults in the house. Of course using an individual monitoring plug would be better still.

    Good luck on asking your teenage son to go easy on the 'entertainment' category 😇
    Last edited by Mailman; 31-05-23 at 09:44.
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61
    Isn't this just simply misleading information.
    Correct me if I am wrong but the Chameleon application is just making inferrences as to your 'always on' consumption.
    Unless each device is separately monitored, you just don't have that data.

    It 'guesses' that a peak at dinner time is the cooker.
    It 'guesses' that a steady draw of say 7kW over night might be an electric car.
    It could infer that a 2.4kW spike lasting for about 1 minute could be a kettle.

    That 7kW continuous could just as easy be a canabis farm and energy storage running overnight!

    Happy to be corrected as I see the guy from Chameleon is on here.

    As an excercise I have registered for the ivie app - it will lift data in the next few days and then away we go.

    From what I have already seen it is quite clear that it uses 'profiling' to 'estimate' what your likely usage patterns might be. 'Do you have an EV charger?', 'What fuel do you use for cooking?', 'What type of house do you live in?', 'How many people live in your home?' etc etc. Their initial estimate was way too high with gas and slightly too low with electricity. So on this basis it is not going to be any more useful that the Bright app but I'll report back in a few days. The IHD already has the 'usage now' data so am not really sure what else the app will give me although I'll reserve judgement until I see the app populated with my smart meter data.