alt-HAN - EON NEXT start installs?

  • Beki's Avatar
    Good morning @despairingcustomer, just a little update for you (and the Community!).

    Customers who have previously been identified as an 'Alt Han solution required' from a previous engineer visit, then from November we are going to start contacting those customer to get an appointment booked in. I've also reached out to the smart team and have a meeting next week to discuss your feedback here and hopefully get some further information for you.

    Please keep an eye on your DMs @despairingcustomer, from Wednesday onward and I'll send you an update. 😊
  • despairingcustomer's Avatar
    Level 11

    And surely there is some kudos to be gained from an energy supplier proactively addressing the issues and taking the initiative rather than just sitting on their hands, blaming OFGEM and waiting for them to impose sanctions?

    Every meter problem they solve is one less customer complaining.

    The DNO is responsible for the supply as far as the disconnect. The consumer is responsible for everything forward of the meter tails and isolator switch. The bit in the middle is the responsibility of the supplier. Now, I appreciate in the early iteration of smart metering, individual meters were literally down to an individual supplier. Legacy meters have never posed a problem. But if you switch to a supplier with a smart meter that goes dumb because it cannot be migrated on to DCC's network then surely as 'the meter is the responsibility of the supplier', the requirement should be there from day one to install a correctly working and functional SMETS2 device or devices. The excuse of 'oh, those meters were fitted by someone else so not our problem' should not be allowed to wash. You take over supply to a premises, you fit a new meter if the old one isn't working. Simple.

    My meter works fine. It's a 2001 vintage L&G standard meter. It's still within accuracy figures and still works a treat. By rights it should be replaced and updated and if I wanted a smart meter and smart meters worked here, I could have an SMETS2 next week, just like that. But it won't work and I don't need a new meter, so I'd be more than willing for E.On Next to take the meter they would be happy to fit for me (and probably have earmarked) and give it to someone who complains theirs doesn't work. That would make two customers very happy indeed.

    Hi you were lucky they let you keep an old meter. Ours, at ten years old had to be replaced by smart meters according to EON NEXT so this saga started about 15 months ago!
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    My meter is about 20 years old but E.On Next only took over as the supplier two years ago. As they do not do any work this side of the sign that says 'here be dragons' then it's less about them letting me keep it and more about a combination of remoteness and the fact that smart meters just don't work round here due to lack of connectivity. Which suits me fine as there's no point in replacing a perfectly serviceable working meter with one that won't do anything that my current meter doesn't.

    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • despairingcustomer's Avatar
    Level 11
    any news on alt HAN roll out in SOUTHERN England.

    Apparently it's happening across northern england but not elsewhere in the UK

  • MIRB2's Avatar
    Level 2
    Bumping again. I'm in the NW of England and haven't been 'upgraded'. If the proposed switch off of the RTS switch doesn't get delayed again, then time is running out for Eon Next to replace these. As I'm in a block of flats, I would want / need the Alt-Han smartmeter, to give me the IHD funcionality.

    From the Ofgem website:-

    'If you have an electricity RTS meter

    You should not lose your electricity supply or functionality before 31 March 2024. Your electricity supplier will contact you to arrange an upgrade to your meter and replace it with a smart meter. We expect them to manage this process before 31 March 2024, if you have any questions or concerns, you should contact your supplier.

    We are monitoring the progress of suppliers and have asked them for updates on their work to replace and upgrade all RTS meters. They must make sure that their customers have a suitable electricity meter installed and that their service is not disrupted.'

    It's quite clear there that the onus is on the supplier to sort this out.
    @Beki above has said that they were starting to do installs from November. I've heard nothing. I have also been in touch with CS and got nowhere with that.
  • Beki's Avatar
    @MIRB2 - Sorry I don't work for them anymore. You'll have to reach out to one of the Community Team or customer service agents
  • MIRB2's Avatar
    Level 2
    @MIRB2 - Sorry I don't work for them anymore. You'll have to reach out to one of the Community Team or customer service agents
    Thanks Beki
  • despairingcustomer's Avatar
    Level 11
    Latest news is that whilst eon next are rolling the alt HAN installs out in the North of GB the southern half will be later. Oh and they are rolling out electricity meters with alt-HAN and not gas meters...
  • MIRB2's Avatar
    Level 2
    Latest news is that whilst eon next are rolling the alt HAN installs out in the North of GB the southern half will be later. Oh and they are rolling out electricity meters with alt-HAN and not gas meters...
    Thanks, maybe I'll call the customer service team again tomorrow, to see if they are installiung in my area. Time is really running out, if the RTS is being switched off on 31 Mar 24.