alt-HAN - EON NEXT start installs?

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    @despairingcustomer I'm sorry that it got to that stage but great that it's been addressed. I've asked the question to the industry performance team who announced that the alt-HAN would be available for new installs or existing ineligible for smart customers.

    Hopefully they'll be able to get back to me with an answer, even if that's a 'not just yet'. Trying to get a date for these kind of things is difficult.

    @Beki_EONNext Its only been addressed in that Eon Next have been instructed by the ombudsman to fit the required kit. But two months on from the announcement that alt-HAN is available and customers can now have a successful smart meter appointment and get those meters fitted! there doesn't appear to beany improvement, even when the energy ombudsman has issued instruction about what needs to happen.

    The tense of that statement is the present not the future tense. So yet another example of Eon Next over promising a benefit and then failing to deliver on it. Or put another way how many customers are waiting for Alt-HAN and how many have been fitted so far?
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Beki's Avatar
    @meldrewreborn alt-HAN is being fitted for new smart meter installations and those customers who do not have a smart meter and have account notes in the 'smart checker' that were noted as 'no HAN'. I don't have a number to give you regarding the number of installations that we've done.

    I'd be interested to see the Ombudsman ruling exactly, because if E.ON Next is unable to physically and/or technically do anything (to which they liaise with the E.ON Next Ombudsman complaints team about) then they use this as part of their response. They then work with us so we can address the failings on our part and/or any other parts of the complaint.
    Last edited by Beki; 24-10-23 at 18:33. Reason: grammar
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    aren’t new smart meter installations and customers who do not have a smart meter basically one of the same?
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    @Beki_EONNext @meldrewreborn

    Alt-Han is being rolled out, where indicated during a site survey, for new meter installs only, or for very specific problem case retrofits where SMETS2 Landys and Gyr meters are already fitted. From what I can find out, other brands of meter are difficult or impossible to retrofit and Alt-Han 'retrofit kits' are not available to just 'bolt on' to older meters.

    According to OFGEM, all non working smart meters or SMETS1 systems must be removed and replaced by the end of 2025 but as the original deadline was end of last year, I suspect it will get kicked into the long grass yet again.

    So why, as a major supplier, can't E.On Next just standardise on one brand of meter? It would be a lot less trouble for both the company and it's customers.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    because I suspect that the installers are in the main contractors who work for many different suppliers, and the meter supply market is too fragmented.
  • Beki's Avatar
    According to OFGEM, all non working smart meters or SMETS1 systems must be removed and replaced by the end of 2025

    That's the first time I've heard that but it wouldn't surprise me if they do push it back. It's a shame, as it would solve so many issues we see with the SMETS1.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    @Beki_EONNext @retrotecchie

    Ljke all things from the ineffective OFGEM, 2025 is a target and I’ll wager another target that will be missed by a very large margin. When all that suppliers need to do is use reasonable efforts, it’s inviting failure. Measurable Targets need to be set, performance verified, and painful penalties imposed for failure. There are no published stats on dumb meters by individual suppliers, so we’re unable to see who is lagging behind in getting dumb smart meters replaced. I think only 2 suppliers are reaching their targets for installing new smart meters, so the likelihood is that most if not all are not doing enough to replace dumb meters. Noises from OFGEM about toughening up on this stuff abound, but as I’m fond of saying, talk is cheap. Effective action is what is needed, and the gloves need to come off and real penalties for failure imposed.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    And surely there is some kudos to be gained from an energy supplier proactively addressing the issues and taking the initiative rather than just sitting on their hands, blaming OFGEM and waiting for them to impose sanctions?

    Every meter problem they solve is one less customer complaining.

    The DNO is responsible for the supply as far as the disconnect. The consumer is responsible for everything forward of the meter tails and isolator switch. The bit in the middle is the responsibility of the supplier. Now, I appreciate in the early iteration of smart metering, individual meters were literally down to an individual supplier. Legacy meters have never posed a problem. But if you switch to a supplier with a smart meter that goes dumb because it cannot be migrated on to DCC's network then surely as 'the meter is the responsibility of the supplier', the requirement should be there from day one to install a correctly working and functional SMETS2 device or devices. The excuse of 'oh, those meters were fitted by someone else so not our problem' should not be allowed to wash. You take over supply to a premises, you fit a new meter if the old one isn't working. Simple.

    My meter works fine. It's a 2001 vintage L&G standard meter. It's still within accuracy figures and still works a treat. By rights it should be replaced and updated and if I wanted a smart meter and smart meters worked here, I could have an SMETS2 next week, just like that. But it won't work and I don't need a new meter, so I'd be more than willing for E.On Next to take the meter they would be happy to fit for me (and probably have earmarked) and give it to someone who complains theirs doesn't work. That would make two customers very happy indeed.
    Last edited by retrotecchie; 24-10-23 at 23:57.
  • Beki's Avatar
    @meldrewreborn I do agree with you. I know that smart meters not communicating is high on E.ON Next's list of priorities and we do treat those customers who come over with a 'dumb' meter. It's slow progress though, but progress nonetheless.