I was told today that actually my pre payment meter would be cheaper than changing to a smart meter by an eon adviser today, also I was hung up on by another agent after 60 minutes , disgraceful customer service
Announced in the budget that those on prepayment meters will pay the same rates as those paying by Direct Debit. I don't know when this starts yet. No excuse for poor customer service of course.
I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
Historically pre payment electricity meters have carried higher standing charges but lower unit rates than direct debit credit charges.
Therefore, at low consumption levels they work out more expensive than Direct Debit but above a certain level of consumption (say for example 2,500 kWh per annum) they work out cheaper.
I think logically that its likely that many prepayment customers are relatively low users and thus are paying higher rates for their energy than Direct Debit customers. The Government haven't announced exactly what they'll do but I would think the OFGEM rates to come in from 1 July would be an opportune time.
There are also moves against standing charges in general and its not impossible that these could be phased out or scrapped altogether. That would also help all customers with small levels of consumption, and penalise those with high levels of consumption because the costs would be passed on in higher unit prices.
We will have to wait and see. Whether we think its a good idea or not will depend almost entirely on how it affects each of us in our pocket.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
I may add over this cold snap I’ve been ten pounds a day on gas so I find this advice very strange
My average gas consumption (excluding standing charges) for Jan -mar at current pricing on DD comes to £8.50 so your charges are not unusual. A smart meter can be switched remotely between prepayment and credit modes, so the advice was not correct.
Gas on prepayment carries higher standing charges and unit prices than direct debit and so is always more expensive. E.On next has been quite resistant to switching prepayment customers to credit meters in the past for reasons which never seem to quite stack up, even when the customer is entirely credit worthy.
something I’ve not thought about before is that I don’t think prepayment customers can access fixed rate tariffs. Now there aren’t any fixed deals available now but there is an expectation that they will return to the market in the summer.
if you want to get a credit meter, I’d suggest other suppliers might be a better bet than E.on Next.
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