Electric or Gas Shower

  • JOHNIOW's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi, I have reduced my energy bill by over 30% by switching things off, new light bulbs, Using Air Fryer and new low energy Freezer. Electric is now averaging 9.5 kWh per day. When you consider that my 10 kW Shower is 3.5 kWh of my daily usage (4 people x 5mins) I am questioning if it would be cheaper to use hot water from my Combi Boiler would it save money. I would need to install some new taps with a shower divert. I cannot use the economy mode on the shower (6.5 kW) because the water temperature coming into the house is too cold and the flow is pathetic. In the summer we have to use the economy setting because at the highest flow the water is boiling - in the summer the daily Electric usage will be 6 kWh per day.
    Last edited by DebF_EONNext; 07-08-23 at 08:52. Reason: remove featured thread
  • 12 Replies

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    Electricity is circa 3 times price of gas currently after allowing for boiler inefficiency so running cost will be less. Future prices are impossible to predict.

    I have a system boiler and hot water tank and a manual mixer. I think showers and combi’s are a problematic mix- or that’s my experience at others houses.

    do we need to shower every day? (Gets dustbin lid ready to fend off missiles).
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    No missiles from me. But then I live in a remote rural village almost surrounded by sheep. I can easily get away with 'less frequently' 🤣🤣🤣
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    do we need to shower every day?
    Either that or have a bath 😁
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    Either that or have a bath 😁

    I made my young great-nephews laugh when I told them "I've lived in my house for 20 years and have hardly ever been in the bath". I do have a shower every day, I hasten to add!😂🛀🚿
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    I haven't even got a bath!

    Actually, that's not strictly true. I have two. Both out in the garden. One has rhubarb growing in it and the other was once used as a water trough for livestock. Sheep 🐑 mostly.

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    @retrotecchie @Tommysgirl

    We have a bath - its only been used by us to help dissolve stiches after an operation in past 30 years, and very occasionally to dunk the grandkids.

    Still it is a handy place to put the clothes dryer, and then the extractor fan helps remove moisture laden air.

    It's in a tasteful shade of Avocado, I hoping that non-white suites will come back into fashion soon so that I can sell it on a rising market Any chance @retrotecchie? In the interim I have an authentic 60's film set for hire.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    You raise an interesting point. In essence its actually quite difficult to get to figures for the cost of water heating, whether for showers, baths or washing dishes. if you do some searches you tend to come up with a wide variety of figures, which in the end don't answer the question. Also most if not all washing machines and dishwashers now use cold water only, which I always have thought was a retrograde step.

    I have a thermal solar panel on my roof. I've always thought it saves me about 3,000 kWh of gas per annum, but mainly in the spring, summer and autumn months, but I wasn't really into record keeping before it was installed (only £500 under one of those giveaway offers by my local council) so I don't really have definitive figures to back that up - only one years pre panel data, and even that is a bit patchy. But my gas consumption is very low in the summer - only 4% of my annual usage in Q3 - and that's probably down to cooking consumption.

    On combi's, one of the selling points is the space released by not having any hot water tank. But then many find that the combi delivers unsatisfactory shower performance, so the solution is to fit a mega store, which to me is a sophisticated hot water tank. Because of my solar panel i have to have a hot water tank, so I've never been a day to day user of a combi, and somehow I doubt I ever will.
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar

    Brilliant! Great idea about the clothes dryer. I can remember when Avocado was all the rage. The non-white suites might just one day make a comeback so you never know!
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    Brilliant! Great idea about the clothes dryer. I can remember when Avocado was all the rage.

    I still can too - every day!