Smart meters 3 months in - not working

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  • SBEN's Avatar

    I'm weary about my Smart meters (Gas & Electric). No matter who I speak to, email, twitter, whatsapp.... and a whole load of promises, nobody can ever sort out why they can't read our smart meters that were fitted over 3 months ago.

    What can I do?
  • 17 Replies

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    Bennie_R97's Avatar
    Best Answer
    @SBEN I am sorry to hear that the Gas meter is not working correctly. The questions that I would ask to see are: were both meters installed together? When was that? As you have been in touch before with our customer service what reasons have they given you for the not functioning of the meter?

    Like @retrotecchie said, we aren't a customer service platform but we do try to help when we can 😀
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    First check they are visible on the network. If so, report back here.

    If they're not visible on the network, chances are you are in a location with no communications coverage so they never will.

    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • SBEN's Avatar

    First check they are visible on the network. If so, report back here.

    If they're not visible on the network, chances are you are in a location with no communications coverage so they never will.
    Clicking on your link and running the MPAN checks for each of my Electric and Gas meters reveals that....the electricity meter IS working in smart mode but the gas is not.
    For a short time about 6 weeks after the connection the Electric meter DID register some readings in the App but certainly nothing has shown for a good month or so.
    Oddly... the Loop Energy App DOES show most daily readings for both meters.

    Whenever I've talked to anyone at EonNext there is never any follow up from them when they go away to address it supposedly.

    There have been some mutterings about the old 'dumb' gas meter not having been de-registered or whatever but who knows. The bloke who fitted both meters seemed certain that he'd done everything correctly and that there would be no issues sending readings. There is no weak coverage issue I think and this is surely demonstrated by the 'Loop Energy' App capturing data most days?

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    You should only see monthly billing reads in the app. There isn't any function for tracking usage. So, I would expect to start seeing monthly reads once the meter had been put onto the correct schedule. Does gas consumption register on your IHD correctly?

  • SBEN's Avatar

    You should only see monthly billing reads in the app. There isn't any function for tracking usage. So, I would expect to start seeing monthly reads once the meter had been put onto the correct schedule. Does gas consumption register on your IHD correctly?
    Yes, I see the IHD readings correctly for both Gas and Electric.
    Who is the person to put the gas 'on the correct schedule' and why does nobody do it despite promises from several people so far?
    Where are Loop getting their readings from if Eon next can't read the gas meter?
    I'm baffled.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Loop are getting their readings from DCC on a 'per meter' basis. Suppliers get their data from the DCC, but sent as batches of data on a 'per supplier' basis. For some reason, there are some allegedly 'industry wide' issues whereby data files have not got correct reading data but large swathes of blank or 'null data' instead. Something to do with the BOL which is the software layer that the suppliers use to decode the DCC bulk files.

    No one is 'fessing up to who caused, who owns or who is going to 'fix' the issue. More proof that 'smart metering' is not that smart!
  • SBEN's Avatar
    Thanks. I was reluctant to get them installed in the first place because I feared all this.. Sheesh :)
  • SBEN's Avatar
    One further question. Do Eon read this forum then try to fix the issues mentioned?
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    This is a Customer to Customer forum, but it is monitored by E.On Next staff. Not 24/7.