11m as the Crow flies is pushing it. That's 35 feet, plus attenuation through obstacles.
There is one trick that I would try if I was in your position. But I'd try it purely as an experiment to see if it worked. I'm also an electronics engineer so it's exactly the sort of pottering about I'm used to.
Find an old 'scrap' WiFi router that has two external antennas with TNC or BNC connectors. That is to say, the antennas are removeable.
Get a roll of thin coax cable and run out a suitable length. Crimp or solder on a matching connector at either end. Fit the antennas.
Run the cable from the garage to the house in such a way as the antenna in the garage is within two or three feet of the meters.
Likewise, at the house end, fit the antenna somewhere that suits the rough location you want to use the IHD.
The theory being, the antenna in the garage gets a better signal strength than the remote IHD, feeds it down the coax to the other antenna which then re-radiates the raw RF signal. As it's only 'passive' you won't get a huge amount of gain, but my betting is you could gain an extra 10-20dBm. You could add an RF amplifier to just boost the raw signal a little, but that may also increase the 'noise' level. It's something I would play about with, just for gag value.
I'd be willing to bet just a passive system 'might just work' if the Gods were playing nicely and the wind was in the right direction...