Can we just confirm whether you are all-electric OR dual-fuel?
If dual fuel, do the gas read dates match up with the electricity dates?
It is very clear that Eon Next are pulling smart meter reads every month. The reads performed at the 1st of the month happen at tariff change dates. The reads pulled on the 9th do indeed seem odd. But in the scheme of things I'd be way more worried if the smart meter reads did not tally with what you can read yourself from your meters.
My advice FWIW is to desist from submitting manual reads unless it is obvious from your online account readings history that none have been pulled by the end of each month i.e has not appeared in your online meter reads account history.
As you are probably contacting them in the near future, get them to confirm again that the smart meter read schedule (for both meters if you are dual) is set for 22nd of each month. Also get them to confirm that there is no scheduling set for the 9th of each month for either meter.
And if this is getting to you more than it should do then perhaps try your luck with another supplier although there is no guarantee that the same/different problems will arise. Different can of worms etc etc....
Other than the above I can offer no opinion as to WHY???? this has happened.🤔