Why do E.ON Next keep randomly pulling readings from my smart meter?

  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 60
    I subitted 2 manual readings last month because i was told to due to eon next saying i had a faulty smart meter.
    Then i got told off for sending the manual readings in because my smart meters where working fine (which was a lie because no readings where sent hence why i sent manual reading in).

    Your online account will show if Smart Readings have been lifted (mine certainly do) called 'Smart' and your own reads marked as 'Customer'. Each of these reads will trigger a bill - at least it has done in my case.

    My scheduled smart readings are lifted on 1st of each month and the readings show within 24 hours and bill generation within another 24 hours.
    Last edited by Mailman; 11-02-23 at 10:46.
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1
    Your online account will show if Smart Readings have been lifted (mine certainly do) called 'Smart' and your own reads marked as 'Customer'. Each of these reads will trigger a bill - at least it has done in my case.

    My scheduled smart readings are lifted on 1st of each month and the readings show within 24 hours and bill generation within another 24 hours.

    That reply does not answer my question.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    So, does your 'unscheduled bill' state on what basis it was generated? From a smart read or a customer read. If you supplied manual readings, did you provide them on a different date from which your smart reads are usually taken?
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1

    So, does your 'unscheduled bill' state on what basis it was generated? From a smart read or a customer read. If you supplied manual readings, did you provide them on a different date from which your smart reads are usually taken?

    My latest bill was smart.

    I sent manual readings for both gas and electric on the 23rd january for the bill befor.
    The reason i sent manual readings was because eon next agent told my i had a faulty smart meter and send readings in once o month until sorted.
    I then got a message from another eon next agent after i sent the manual readings asking why because my smart meters where working fine.
    So someone at eon next is or was telling lies to me.

    My smart meter are supposed to be read on the 22nd of each month.

    Hence why i aske here in this question why was reading pulled on the 9/02/23 instead of the 22nd?
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Likely because of ongoing glitches with the transfer of smart data between DCC and the suppliers. DCC usually do a bulk download of meter data in one hit, parcel that up on a 'per supplier' basis and then send huge data files. There have been 'issues' with suppliers getting blank data so they have worked round it by pulling the missing data in smaller batches, and not necessarily on the same date.

    I appreciate that it is frustrating for you, but you aren't being charged any more or any less. It's a mess sure, and the primary reason why I will never have a smart meter. The supplier gets my readings when I send them.

  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 60
    Maybe a screencapture of the OP's meter reads history might be illuminating and then we might be able to give some sort of helpful advice about what is going on. This is mine.

    Name:  Smart Reads.jpg
Views: 763
Size:  35.9 KB

    The last entry of mine was a 'pull' from the DCC out of the normal sequence instigated by Eon Next with my agreement to test summat. All the rest have been on schedule (1st) and led to the bill generation shortly thereafter. The 13/10/22 reads led to a bill issued 12 days after the previous one (01/10/22).
    Last edited by Mailman; 11-02-23 at 16:49.
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1
    Maybe a screencapture of the OP's meter reads history might be illuminating and then we might be able to give some sort of helpful advice about what is going on. This is mine.

    Name:  Smart Reads.jpg
Views: 763
Size:  35.9 KB

    The last entry of mine was a 'pull' from the DCC out of the normal sequence instigated by Eon Next with my agreement to test summat. All the rest have been on schedule (1st) and led to the bill generation shortly thereafter. The 13/10/22 reads led to a bill issued 12 days after the previous one (01/10/22).

    Not good smart meter reading pulling to say they are supposed to be pulled just once a month on the 22nd.

  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1
    Lets try that again as it did not attach.
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  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 60

    Can we just confirm whether you are all-electric OR dual-fuel?

    If dual fuel, do the gas read dates match up with the electricity dates?

    It is very clear that Eon Next are pulling smart meter reads every month. The reads performed at the 1st of the month happen at tariff change dates. The reads pulled on the 9th do indeed seem odd. But in the scheme of things I'd be way more worried if the smart meter reads did not tally with what you can read yourself from your meters.

    My advice FWIW is to desist from submitting manual reads unless it is obvious from your online account readings history that none have been pulled by the end of each month i.e has not appeared in your online meter reads account history.

    As you are probably contacting them in the near future, get them to confirm again that the smart meter read schedule (for both meters if you are dual) is set for 22nd of each month. Also get them to confirm that there is no scheduling set for the 9th of each month for either meter.

    And if this is getting to you more than it should do then perhaps try your luck with another supplier although there is no guarantee that the same/different problems will arise. Different can of worms etc etc....

    Other than the above I can offer no opinion as to WHY???? this has happened.🤔
    Last edited by Mailman; 11-02-23 at 19:23.
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1

    Can we just confirm whether you are all-electric OR dual-fuel?

    If dual fuel, do the gas read dates match up with the electricity dates?

    It is very clear that Eon Next are pulling smart meter reads every month. The reads performed at the 1st of the month happen at tariff change dates. The reads pulled on the 9th do indeed seem odd. But in the scheme of things I'd be way more worried if the smart meter reads did not tally with what you can read yourself from your meters.

    My advice FWIW is to desist from submitting manual reads unless it is obvious from your online account readings history that none have been pulled by the end of each month i.e has not appeared in your online meter reads account history.

    As you are probably contacting them in the near future, get them to confirm again that the smart meter read schedule (for both meters if you are dual) is set for 22nd of each month. Also get them to confirm that there is no scheduling set for the 9th of each month for either meter.

    And if this is getting to you more than it should do then perhaps try your luck with another supplier although there is no guarantee that the same/different problems will arise. Different can of worms etc etc....

    Other than the above I can offer no opinion as to WHY???? this has happened.🤔

    I am on dual fuel.
    I have phoned and emaild customer services and spoke to them for the last 12 months and every time i get told they have put a flag on my account to say take readings on the 22nd of each month.
    I must have more flage on my account than the world trade nations flag poles (lol).

    But still they pull readings all over the place some times 3 in a month .

    But what gets me mad is the dont pull gas and electric readings on the same dates some tomes.

    Belowe is my electric dates.

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    Last edited by Karln; 11-02-23 at 19:49.