Charges and Reverse Account Charges

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  • Jasmin2000's Avatar
    Level 5
    Just another update.
    My transactions list is now of no use thanks to E.ON. It used to be a chronology of the account balance but now 23 additional entries have been added and there is no timepoint I can look back on that reflects what the status was - how is E.ON allowed to change the history of my transactions?

    If you manage to squint (let me know if you can't enlarge the picture as it is rather scary) - you'll see the balance was -511.46 on Sept 25th - but it wasn't. Nevertheless, the E.ON spam machine has seen this and sent several mails to get me to change tariff. That means E.ON is recognising it's own account manipulation as real. Dangerous. I don't think there's any other solution except the ombudsman.
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    Last edited by Jasmin2000; 05-10-23 at 17:55.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    Your statements will all still be intact and open to scrutiny. Have you sent your details to @LeeDQ_EONNext yet. He might just be able to get to the bottom of this.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • Jasmin2000's Avatar
    Level 5
    Your statements will all still be intact and open to scrutiny. Have you sent your details to @LeeDQ_EONNext yet. He might just be able to get to the bottom of this.
    Still have the bills but the transaction list is beyond recognition. @LeeDQ_EONNext has my details.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    I can’t read the transaction list on my phone as out of focus. I’ll check on the PC later. Good to hear Lee has your details. He’ll get on the case for sure.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    I can read the transactions on my desktop PC. The dates the reverse charges pertain-to will be on the next statement I should imagine.
  • Jasmin2000's Avatar
    Level 5
    The dates the reverse charges pertain-to will be on the next statement I should imagine.
    I have the next statement - it contains only the (erroneous) bill for the £256.72 for the "period (from 23rd January 2023 to 31st March 2023), where we didn't charge you for the energy you used" There is no mention of the charge/recharge stuff - presumably because it's all digital fiction. And so they don't have to explain WTF they've done.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    It's difficult to say any more on this than I have already done. We're all just speculating until your account is scrutinised. What I can say is that your method of paying means your account will always be pretty much up-to-date. There will no doubt be some difference between the meter reading date, the DD date and your manual payment dates so there will be some debit or credit balance depending on when you view. Your current balance of £35.11 doesn't look outrageous. It's a proper explanation of what's going on that is needed.

    The only real acid test is to check your opening balance meter reading from the start of your contract and the meter reading from the latest statement. This is your total consumption and can't be argued with The individual statements need to be checked to see the readings have progressed in a sensible and logical manner. Your statements need to have all the different tariffs applied to the to the appropriate consumption during each tariff period and account taken of the EPG. That will give you the raw cost of all your usage over the period of your contract. Standing charges have to be added and VAT applied after they have been checked for correctness. This will now be a total of all the money you owe.

    Now you need to deduct all the various payments that have been made to the account, ie. DDs, manual payments, EBSS payments etc. This will then give you what should be the balance of your account at the bottom of the latest statement. I would probably have a go at this if was my account but clearly not many would want to go to all that trouble.

    Again, hopefully Lee can get to the bottom of things one way or another.
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61

    What was the opening read when you moved in to your house/flat in January? And can you confirm what the last smart read is and its date (from last statement or via online account). Are your your DD payments / Online Payments (and other credits e.g. EBSS/Alternative Fuel Payment) listed correctly in your transactions history you have posted?
  • Jasmin2000's Avatar
    Level 5
    What was the opening read when you moved in to your house/flat in January? And can you confirm what the last smart read is and its date (from last statement or via online account). Are your your DD payments / Online Payments (and other credits e.g. EBSS/Alternative Fuel Payment) listed correctly in your transactions history you have posted?

    Opening read = 0.00
    Smart meter reading from 10th Sep 2023 = 3584.6
    All DD and other credit payments are accounted for in the transaction history and bills

    I've been looking at the description of the entries in the transaction history and think I've found an explanation; the entries with "we reversed a previous charge" give a negative number in red - yet the balance still goes down. So they have not altered the real balance flow but added a negative to the number to indicate that is will be reversed later. The corresponding reversals are entered as "Electricity" and are positive inputs into the balance.

    I assumed that I could simply knock all of these negatives and positives out and focus on the others, but this is not the case. It means they have removed all usage costs from the balance with these 11+11 outs+ins so should I expect to be charged for all costs since day one again? If so the last bill, covering the first three bills again would make sense.

  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61

    OK here goes bearing in mind that I don't have access to all your statements apart from what you have posted in this thread.

    There are 4 statements listed here that have created your 'bills' or 'debits/charges on your account' as it were, going in reverse chronogical order:

    1st July-25th Sept £215.51
    11th May-30th June £147.67
    1st April-10th May £143.93
    23rd January-31st March £257.82

    TOTAL £ usage = £764.93

    You have paid into your account (since late January) the following amounts

    5 X £80 Direct Debit Payments = £400
    1 X credit card payment = £66.04

    TOTAL Payments by you = £466.04 since 23rd January

    You have also had credits applied to your account of :

    2 X £67 EBSS Payments = £134
    1 X Alternative Fuel Payment = £200

    Adding these additional credits to your payments gives you £466.04 +£334 = £800.04

    Your account balance NOW = £800.04 - £764.93 = £35.11 in Credit and this agrees with the latest account balance you posted.

    Assuming that the bill for 23rd January - 31st March starts with a meter reading of 0.0 and ends with 2422.7 then it looks like Eon Next have now got your account in its correct state with the correct bills and correct account balance.

    The important transactions to scrutinize in future are those marked 'We Charged for electricity' as these will and do appear in the statements that I referred to earlier in this thread. Once your DD appears in your transactions then the account balance will be a true reflection of where your account stands.

    One more observation. Apart from paying merry hell about the way the accounting has happened (and possibly getting a small customer service good will gesture for your worry, time and inconvenience), your electricity usage is such that £80 pcm is unlikely to be anywhere near enough going forward this winter. Don't be surprised if Eon Next suggest a raising of your DD very soon. Having used just shy of 3700 kWh in the period 23rd January-26th September (246 days) its likely you will use circa 3700*365/246 = circa 5500kWh per year (or even a bit more) which would cost approx £1670 pa at current rates or £139 pcm by my reckoning. 👍
    Last edited by Mailman; 06-10-23 at 20:45. Reason: 1st July-25th Sep £ total now corrected