Economy 10 off peak times changed when smart meter installed

  • Mon269's Avatar
    Level 4
    Hi all,

    We moved to our house 2 years ago. The previous owners had an Economy 10 tariff with 3 off peak periods during the day. Storage heaters run on a separate circuit that only comes live when the off peak periods kick in. That was ideal as the storage heaters never went cold, they even charged for 3 or 4 hours (I can't remember exactly) in the afternoon providing heat in the evening.

    In April 2022, after many emails and calls from Eon, we accepted to have a smart meter fitted. I asked explicitily what that meant for us and if anything would change. They told me the only difference for us would be not having to send meter readings. So, we went ahead.

    We soon found out that the off peak times had changed from those 3 or 4 periods of a few hours to a one continuous 10h period during the night. Our storage heaters are pretty cold in the evening, and so is the house, particulary this winter.

    Using the online chat, they told me I had to live with that as thus is correct for Economy 10. Today I discovered this forum and the whole lot of good information it has. So, I learnt that Economy 10 would mean several periods of off peak during the day.

    I am in Area code 10 (East). Can somebody confirm that what Eon are telling me is correct and that what they have done is fair?

  • 4 Replies

  • Best Answer

    meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    Best Answer

    E.on and E.On Next are linked but separate legally. I would say that if you had the correct hours when you were switched over in October 2021, and after the Smart Meter was installed you haven't and you were not told about that change then you have an argument in law for breach of contract. It would help if you had the terms and conditions from when you were switched over (10/21).

    The route for filing a complaint is in the blue box below. I fear this will take some time to resolve. But we can advise you, so please keep us informed.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    I think you have been (unintentionally) misled. Support for E10 is very limited and I'm sure the suppliers would like to see the back of it.

    Switching to a smart meter has probably meant you were switched to a different tariff with a 10 hour block of hours. You'd need to check any documentation sent to you at the time to see whether you were properly notified with sufficient prominence that this would happen. If not you've got grounds for complaint.

    However in the end I suspect you will need to remain on this tariff and the solution would be to purchase a couple of newer smart storage radiators to add to your system to bridge the cold periods. Modern storage radiators are heaps better at matching their discharge to the room temperature and would improve your comfort in the less cold spring and autumn, and helping you not to have an overheated property at those times.
  • Mon269's Avatar
    Level 4
    Thaks for the quick response @meldrewreborn.

    We were E.on when we moved in and the tariff name was "E.ON EnergyPlan". In October 2021 we were moved from E.on to E.on Next and the tariff name changed to "STANDARD SC ELECTRICITY E10 DD". At that point we still had the 3 time periods of cheaper electricity. In April 2022 we got the smart meter fitted. It was in the morning, and that afternoon we noticed the radiators didn't turn on, so that was the end of the E10 as we had it. The bills today still have "STANDARD SC ELECTRICITY E10 DD" as the tariff, so as far as I can see, we have been on the same tariff since October 2021.

    I can't find and I can't remember any notification telling us of any changes in that respect.