On Reflection

  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    First off on behalf of the community team I want to say a very Happy New Year to you all 🥂✨

    As we welcomed 2023 lot's of us will have spent time reflecting on the last 12 months. I think it's safe to say that 2022 was a bit of a rollercoaster 🎢 (especially within the energy industry ) but we made it though!!

    I don't have a resolution this year however I do want to try and look at the world in a more positive light
    🧘. With that in mind I thought it would be the perfect time to share some of the positive highlights within the community throughout 2022 🎉 The community has grown from strength to strength and we have reached a lot of big milestones over the past year:

    • We started 2022 with 3460 members and we are now well on our way to reaching 15000 members!
    • One of our lovely members andy65 featured on the E.ON Next blog
    • The team were excited when we reached 10000 posts but you blew that out of the park not just hitting 15000 or even 20000 but smashing out over 25000 posts on the community 🤯
    • You had some great discussions around COP27
    • With your help we managed to clear out the spam (there was soooo much spam 👀) every report you made or flagged up to us has helped to make the community a safer place!
    • You had some fantastic conversations around Energy Saving 🍃
    • Lots of you have taken part in the Energy Shift. It's been great to see lots of chatter surrounding this 📈

    Not only this but you have given us lot's of feedback and food for thought. We have taken all of your suggestions and fed them back within E.ON Next 💡 The community really is the place where our members can really help to drive change within E.ON Next.

    All the while making us laugh with your jokes and making us feel humbled us with your nostalgia

    In all the community is a fantastic place to be and that is down to our fantastic members, you support each other, you look out for one another and when things don't seem right you stand up for what's right. Our members make this a community

    I can't wait to see what 2023 will bring for the community. What have been your highlights over the last year? DO you have any resolutions this year? Is there anything you would like to see more of in the Community in 2023?

    Last edited by DebF_EONNext; 01-01-23 at 13:55.
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳

    E.ON Next Poll - How much do you know about the Priority Service Register? - If you have a spare 2 minutes 🕑 we'd love if you complete our poll about the Priority Service Register 🤗
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