Smart meter not submitting readings

  • pshort67's Avatar
    Level 1
    I contacted e-on next on June 22nd to report a non communicating IHD unit, and that the meters are not submitting meter readings.
    A complaint was logged on the same day.

    June 23rd - contacted again - 8 weeks to resolve message

    August 12th - contacted after being told they had not had smart meter readings for 67days.

    Told there is a 6 month wait on these queries.

    October 11th - contacted eon again - for any update.

    Smart meter team aware there is an issue with communicating with the meters

    December 16th - rang eon - on hold for over an hour - gave up

    WhatsApped the team to ask what is going on - no answer so far

    Anyone else having this issue?
    Who do I complain to?

    I don't want dumb smart meters and eon ignoring phone calls.
    Please someone contact me and resolve this.
  • 15 Replies

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    The ombudsman is your only option.

    The suppliers get brownie points for installing smart meters but get nothing to incentivise them to keep them working as promoted.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • mkthomas's Avatar
    Level 5
    I made a complaint today as a precursor to contacting the ombudsman. Both my smart meters stopped working 1.5 years ago!
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Yup. Yours and 15 million others that had the older supplier specific SMETS1 models. DCC are supposed to make every possible attempt to migrate orphaned meters into their network by the end of this year. That deadline was extended by one year and no doubt will need to be extended again.

    Timeline to have them all working or replaced with SMETS2 models is now 2025.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    I read the DCC annual report recently.

    The industry solution to replacing dumb Smets 1 meters is to fit refurbished Smets 1 meters, because of the cost implications.

    I recall that the 15% of supposedly smart meters that were dumb in the government 2022 smart meter stats amounted to nearly 3.75 million domestic meters.

    Q3 2022 Smart Meters Statistics Report (

    reasons for meters to be reported dumb:

    • customers switching to suppliers currently unable to operate the meter in smart mode,
    • meters being unable to communicate via the wide area network at the point of reporting,
    • customers having their meter installed in traditional mode,
    • installed meters yet to be commissioned (e.g., in new build premises).
  • Sg53's Avatar
    Level 1
    Contact the ombudsman, I have the same problem & will be contacting them after Christmas
  • scott's Avatar
    Level 1
    If you open a complaint to ombudsman eon next will completely ghost you. Only the person handling the complaint is allowed to speak to you by company policy and they don't do that. My ombudsman case took months to resolve and the resolution did not include fixing my smart meters. The ombudsman determined monetry compensation for inconvenience and bricking my ihd plus written apology. Its now a couple of weeks since my case has been closed. I am still being ghosted on whatsapp. My issues started May 9th. After two meter swaps and many delays my electric meter became smart again a couple of months ago. I cant get anyone to pair my gas meter with my electric meter so that becomes smart again too.
  • MT01's Avatar
    Level 5
    I Have had issue since end of September 8 hours phone 9 calls i think, lots of email escalated to CEO email address now have a complaint number. Waiting for transcript of calls.
    I have a newer smart meters and both are online (citizen advice checker) but electric is not sending meter reading to EON No direct debt showing on online account.
    Told just have to wait till they get around to fixing issue and till then we will get an estimated bill. For some reason unable to take manual meter reading see other post.
    Everything worked fine something changed at the end of September smart meters sending readings and IHD Displaying both gas/electric then no Electric reading.
    Last edited by MT01; 22-12-22 at 13:15. Reason: typo
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    What I suspect is an attempt to push updated tariffs to your meter probably failed and your meter has 'hung' in a state where it can't communicate. Not very common, but it can happen. Does your comms hub have a SW light on it, and if so what is it doing?
  • Smhillas's Avatar
    Level 3
    @pshort67 I've had the same issue since August. They keep telling me to send a manual reading though I've told them a million times that the meter is blank, like totally dead. Phone calls, whatsapp, copious month they estimated it but haven't bothered again. Its ridiculous, they just have zero interest in your worries about how much you will owe them by the time they fix it. An email reply today told me it could be 2025