We've been trying to get movement on our SMETS1 meters to be made smart again with Eon Next for about a year and a half and once the issue was escalated to the smart metering team (this took about a year and a half) after 90 working days of waiting the electricity meter came back online (no one actually told us, we just noticed). It turns out it had been briefly submitting readings during the year and a half of waiting but broke again when we went from Eon to Eon Next (no one told us this, I just spotted it on the readings section).
Now, my issue is the Gas meter isn't reporting in and on the display it just shows press O to commission. From what I've read that simply means it isn't commissioned onto the HAN with the Electricity meter and will need an engineer to come and sort it / swap it for one that works. EON are just telling me it's DCC's fault but not done any troubleshooting they will admit too (or even asked what the meter says).
Can someone with more knowledge than me confirm if I am in the right place or barking up the wrong tree in a different park?
You've tagged @PeterT_EONNext so hopefully he will see this, but the requirement to attempt migration of older orphaned meters by DCC ran out on 31/12/22. From then, it's up to the supplier to replace your meters with SMETS2 versions, however you will be in a queue with about 5 million others, so you may still have a bit of a wait.
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
if you can still get readings then its not a priority.
You must learn to read between the lines of the advantages put forward to entice you into having a smart meter, well you could read them if they were there but of course if they put in the truth nobody would want them.
Once the supplier has installed it they chalk up one more on their scoreboard whether it works or not.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
Something like 15% of installed smart meters were in traditional mode (to the rest of us that means they were DUMB) according to government statistics released to end of September 2022. I suspect that the vast majority of them are SMETS1 meters. The DCC has been trying to enrol these onto their network, but because there are so many combinations of meters, communication hubs, wireless systems, suppliers etc it has proved to be a very difficult job. And because of cost pressures its highly likely in my view that dumb SMETS1 meters will be replaced with refurbished SMETS 1 meters with possibly new 4G communications hubs, rather than what customers might be expecting which is a brand new shiny SMETS 2 meter. And this will take years to finish.
I would encourage you to continue the fight by complaining to your supplier, the ombudsman, your MP etc, BUT ONLY IF YOU LIKE BANGING YOUR HEAD AGAINST A BRICK WALL.
I was just wondering if someone from EON Next or with better access to the Smart Meter team (someone like @PeterT_EONNext) could look into our account and see if there's any checks or work been done to see why the Electricity meter came online (so the call to the meter to bring it onto the network has worked) but the Gas meter is still showing not commissioned. I suspect the meters have not been paired onto the HAN and therefore the gas meter would never work but the only reply from EON is DCC need to fix it, and there has been zero response to the complaint into 'unhappy' or the ceo office addresses.
Is there anyone on here who can suggest if my Gas and Electricity meter are correctly paired or not (or even if this a possibility) - Peter didn't reply so I'm now just randomly tagging Eon Next persons to see if one of them could reply giving the lack of any meaningful reply from customer services.
If they are working, they will show up. If not, then chances are they may do at some indeterminate point in the future. If you have EDMI meters, they absolutely never will.
Our Electrical meter has intermediately reported in over the last year or so, it started to check in when we were with Eon and then went back to failing when we moved to Eon Next. A few months later it started to check in again. Our gas meter has never checked in. This stuff isn't magic, I just want a technical understanding of why this is seemingly so hard.
Eon Next have spectacularly failed to give me any reason why this is so difficult
Our Electrical meter has intermediately reported in over the last year or so, it started to check in when we were with Eon and then went back to failing when we moved to Eon Next. A few months later it started to check in again. Our gas meter has never checked in. This stuff isn't magic, I just want a technical understanding of why this is seemingly so hard.
Eon Next have spectacularly failed to give me any reason why this is so difficult
My understanding is the gas meter uses the electricity meter as a relay to report it's readings to the service, I believe my gas meter is not talking to my electricity meter however it's like pulling teeth to get this checked.
Sorry if I'm grouchy, this is just hugely irritating that EON Next, the only people with the power to do anything about this are totally ignoring me.
they have a poor reputation - there are other suppliers who do much better.
As I don’t have smart meters I’m currently immune from these problems.
So long as manual readings are possible you’ll not get much assistance - it’s not right but it is the truth here.
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