SMETS1 upgrade

  • GrantW's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi all - really need some help please. Moved house last year and we have a SMETS1 for electricity and a 'classic' old school gas meter, ie not smart.

    We have solar etc and at the moment, we are being told we just have to wait for the SMETS1 to be upgraded and that could be years. No date provided and no way to escalate or ask for an upgrade.

    Does anyone know how we can be upgraded -so frustrating!

    Any help appreciated

  • 3 Replies

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    The whole rollout of smart metering has been a disaster and the situation has got worse rather than better. HOWEVER ...
    If your SMETS1 electricity meter has full connectivity AND is export capable, then there is no reason why solar and SEG can't be implemented.

    Post us a photo of your electric meter and we may be able to offer you a little more insight. Also check your meter is fully communicating here

    Incidentally the deadline for fully migrating SMETS1 meters is the end of the year. Anything not fully migrated by then is in theory also supposed to be replaced by the end of this year. Migration deadline has been extended and will probably be extended by another year. Replacement deadline has not been extended by OFGEM, however it is dependent on DCC making all reasonable efforts to migrate older meters first. Current timescale is suggesting 2025 as the target date.

    A workaround, such as it is, is to go into your solar controller and set the export limit to Zero kWh. That way, you'll not be exporting anything for free and you will just have to use your own generation.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • GrantW's Avatar
    Level 1
    @retrotecchie Hi and thanks for the reply. Sorry for the long delay - let's blame it on Christmas.

    Thanks for the reply and I have attached a photo of the meter. I have checked whether the meter is communicating and unfortunately, the meter can't be found.

    Name:  IMG_5934.jpg
Views: 1053
Size:  27.4 KB
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Nope, if it's not showing it's never going to be smart either as EDMI meters cannot be migrated onto DCC's smart network. This is because EDMI themselves did not want to get involved with the migration of older meters as it would cost them too much.

    So, you just need to treat it as a conventional meter for now. On the up side, the meter itself, according to the data sheet, is capable of measuring solar export but you would need to read the meter manually. There should be an Export register which should record any power exported to the grid.

    Last edited by retrotecchie; 31-01-23 at 13:00.