Boiler settings

  • Sfcsean's Avatar
    Level 7
    Hi there.
    I’ve just moved out from parents to a new flat and I don’t have the 1st idea on how boilers work. I’ve got a top up gas card and have the heating on between 8:30am-10am and then again between 5:30pm and 6:30. Other than that, the only time we use the gas is for 2 showers a day.

    it’s taking around £7.50 a day. Anybody help with advice on how to lower it?

    appreciate any help!!
  • 6 Replies

  • Best Answer

    retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    Best Answer

    Right, that's why then. You have a debt of over £500 on the meter.

    Go through the meter displays again. Find the one that says index, or meter index. With that display on screen, take a photo, and make a note of the reading.

    You will need to register properly with E.On Next. Go online to the website, and follow the instructions for moving in to a new home. That way, they have your name, address, email and meter readings. You might want to give an electric reading too.

    Next, you will need a new gas card to 'reprogram' your meter and remove the existing debt. This is a bit complicated, but if you follow the instructions it should work.

    Contact customer services. Email to with all your info in the body, and 'New tenant RTI request' in the subject. Or, hit the phone at 9am tomorrow and try and get through to an advisor.

    Anyway, you will be given a seven digit RTI number. Then, follow this procedure very carefully.

    From getting the RTI number, wait two and a half hours, longer if you can.

    Go to a top up shop, with Payzone or Paypoint. Ask for a new gas card, and ask them to program it with the RTI number you were given.

    Do NOT attempt to put any more credit on the new card. This is important.

    Go stick the new card in your meter. This will 'reset' the meter and clear the debt off it, and reset the tariff.

    Once the meter is reset, go back to the shop, top up the card in the normal way, and then feed your meter.

    You can use the old card for now, but it will cost you a fortune...
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Go through all the displays on your gas meter and make sure you are not paying for a previous tenant's debt, First off.

    Press and hold the A button until you hear a beep. Then repeatedly cycle through the screens by pressing the A button until you get to Screen 27. That will show any outstanding debt. If there is a debt, some of your credit will be paying that back, and chances are you are being charged a much higher rate for your gas too.

    Come back to us, and we'll let you know what your next steps are.

    Not a Southampton supporter by any chance, are you?
  • Sfcsean's Avatar
    Level 7
    Hi thanks!! Just had a look and section 27 has a balance reading: GD REMAINING £503.34.

    I’m not a Southampton fan - you’ve probably never heard of my team haha. Southport FC.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    In the meantime, set your room stat to 18, no warmer. If you can stand it, 17.

  • Sfcsean's Avatar
    Level 7
    Just a little update. Card still hadn’t arrived so rang again this morning. Spoke to somebody who seemed to understand a lot more and has had to re issue a card as an ‘urgent’ delivery. Been told to send as many receipts and evidence we have on an e-mail to backdate any payments we have made.

    £80 since last Friday! And literally it’s 2 showers, heating goes on (thermostat set at ‘17’ between 8:30-10pm. Again from 5:30-6:30 and final blast between 8:30-10:30.
    Madness when we have sometimes 2 tv’s on the go, the lights on and use a washer / dryer and still have £15 left from the latest £30 top up on Saturday last week!