meldrewreborn Thank you! I am very excited. I must admit I don't know all the details that you have asked though.
detached semi terrace or flat? It's a mid terraced
walls cavity or solid - I'm not too sure about this one. How can I find out without knocking a wall down?
roof insulated or not - One half is a conversion, the other half, I didn't poke my head up there to nosey.
floor solid or timber raised - timber
heating system - It has a gas boiler in the cupboard outside, so most probably ancient.
Aplliances new or existing? We are taking our own. They were all A rating when new.
We have those smart LED lamps (great to be able to turn off after the kids and use these in lamps and main lights.
retrotecchie The EPC isn't a full one, just the one the estate agent has. Would I have to get someone out to do a full one?
Mailman Lovely to see you around 😊 I would love solar panels and will definitely look to see if we can have them. I don't think we are in a conservation area so that's good. Do you know if they have to be facing a certain way? We have a south facing garden.