@Gab147 already knows the bill is wrong because it’s far too low for the energy that’s really being used.
Confucius once said “he who sits on fence liable to rip trousers”
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
My meter registers in imperial but the measure is in hundreds of cubic feet, not just cu feet. Therefore the bill is stating 79 cu ft, rather than 7900 cu ft so the charge should be 100 times larger = £250 (netting off tariff price and EPG). I wouldn't complain too much.
I had a check on these imperial meters and I believe you are spot on with your analysis.
The fault now lies with the energy providers who have been given readings from the meter via the customer yet have not performed the correct calculations to convert into kWh!
I'm not sure how the OP should handle the situation. Ultimately though the utility companies may well re-bill using the correct kWh figures. As stated by yourself this is now likely to multiply the original gas bill(s) by 100!
@meldrewreborn without the access to his account, I won't be able to get a better understanding of why the bill has been produced like that. The wrong calculation can be a "side effect" of a bug in the system or something that needs to simply be corrected, this can be investigated by the customer service. I asked to check the previous invoiced to see if there was a similar error on other bills. There is a specific reason why the system makes these mistakes. The energy specialists can re-bill the account and produce a correct invoice.
@Bennie_EONNext The only reason I have had to resort to asking for help on this forum is that I can't get an answer from your Customer Service Dept. I have tried various ways and finally got through to them on Friday night via Facebook when they produced this bill. I immediately queried the gas element of the bill but the Rep just said if I had any further issues to raise a new query. I have tried and nobody now answers me on Facebook Messenger.
Thank you to everyone on here for their help but I have now decided EON is so useless from a Customer Service point of view and it is so time consuming trying to deal with their obvious errors that I am switching my account to another supplier.
Once again, thanks to all who have answered my query on here. Best Wishes, Graham
Hi @Gab147, I am really sorry to hear that you had such a terrible experience without customer service. I will make sure that this gets feedback to the team. I do believe it is important that we acknowledge when poor customer service is delivered.
I would like to help and see if I can support you with this query.
I believe that without the access to your account it would be hard to presume if the 79 cu ft are supposed to be 7900 or not.
Au Contraire as Blackadder would say. From what I was able to find out in a brief spell earlier today looking at Imperial Meters (online) the default is that each unit on the meter represents 100 cubic ft. The problem with these old meters appears to be the writing that you see on the meter itself - it just says cubic ft but no indication about what each unit (on the meter) actually represents.
OK some references for you to shove towards your meter reading/billing teams for customers with imperial meters
customer services are under great pressure and just like in any organisation the competence of humans varies. Not many suppliers have a forum like this one and I hope that you would agree that the community volunteers have helped to identify the cause of you under billing.
Personally I would allow this company to suffer for their incompetence.
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