1st December £67 HM Government payment not credited yet.

  • Sainsbury's Avatar
    Level 1
    £66 received 6th Oct, 1st Nov.☺ Nothing as yet for December. SainsburyEnergy customer.🤔
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    £66 received 6th Oct, 1st Nov.☺ Nothing as yet for December. SainsburyEnergy customer.🤔
    I don't know when other energy companies will be crediting the December £67 payments. It could already have been credited within the last day or so but not yet showing on your energy account. Some of our Eon Next Community members December £67 payments (including mine) appeared on our energy accounts overnight between 2nd and 3rd of December, so best advice I can give is just keep checking and if nothing shows up on your account by the end of the week give Sainsburys Energy a call.😃
    Last edited by Tommysgirl; 06-12-22 at 10:47. Reason: Adding info
  • Speedyreedy80's Avatar
    Level 5
    Still waiting for Decembers £67 AND Novembers £66, rang twice, messaged multiple times over weeks and am just going round in circles. £190 DD due to come out on the 21st 😢
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    Still waiting for Decembers £67 AND Novembers £66, rang twice, messaged multiple times over weeks and am just going round in circles. £190 DD due to come out on the 21st 😢
    If you an Eon Next customer, and your October £66 was credited to your Electricity account, I would say your November and December £66 and £67 should have been credited to your Electricity account by now. When ringing them you often have to wait for an hour or more in a queue, but persevere. and they should be able to help.🙂
  • Speedyreedy80's Avatar
    Level 5
    @Tommysgirl I've spoken with them twice (plus multiple messages on twitter and Facebook) , they have said it will be credited 2 weeks ago and still nothing. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    In that case, you need to think about making a complaint. Try ringing again and insist on speaking to a manager. If they still try to fob you off, I'd contact Citizens Advice to see what help they can offer to get this resolved for you. If that fails you could try contacting your local MP, but hopefully that won't be necessary. 🙁
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    make a complaint. You have been given the run around.
    But you can be completely confident that you will get the credit eventually.
    You should be prepared to contact your bank to get the Direct Debit instantly reversed if it is not at the level it should be. This sends a powerful shot across the bows of the other party, but is surprisingly easy to do and often overlooked. We give suppliers the ability to debit our accounts, but the amounts need to be correct. If they are not you have the power to act, you do not need to tell the supplier first.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Speedyreedy80's Avatar
    Level 5
    @meldrewreborn thank you, I have been thinking amount reducing my DD by the amount owed but was worried about getting into a big amount of debit (we're high usage @ 6500 kw per year) but we're are struggling with costs with oil doubling too.
  • Tonynortheast's Avatar
    Level 1
    I’m same. Good luck with trying to get a response. They have just ignored my messages and not replied to my emails. No December payment received. Was credited to my account in October and again on 1st November but nothing in December.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Double check with your bank it hasn't been credited to your bank account. This has been the case with a few people who got the first two payments as credits to their energy account but then had sufficient credit that they had the handout returned to their banks.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.