Incorrect Transactions

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    I hope that @Peregrine does post back with the news that everything is sorted. However, I'll not be at all surprised if the story is one of continued lengthy problems.
    Last edited by meldrewreborn; 03-12-22 at 12:26.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Peregrine's Avatar
    Level 5

    The reason I am posting is to provide a continuation of events in the hope that other Eon customers might identify they are experiencing the same issue. I cannot believe for one minute my account is unique in this and the only one experiencing this unacceptable accounting compliance failure by Eon.

    I now have a strong suspicion that Eon's (and maybe other suppliers) systems are "cross checking" customer provided meter reads by attempting verification via the energy data network. And in doing so, when a meter isn't communicating with the energy data network, the system is drawing other meter's readings that are. Thus transaction entries appearing after customer submitted readings that have no relation to the energy consumption of the account in question. This is just a theory.

    From UK Government website:

    " Guidance - Smart Meters -

    National benefits

    Smart meters are underpinning the transition to a greener, more reliable energy system.

    Consumer benefits

    Smart meters have a wide range of benefits for individual consumers. For example, customers with smart meters are only charged for the energy they use rather than receiving estimated bills, helping them to budget better.


    Smart meters must meet strict and regulated accuracy standards, and their accuracy is also monitored through the Office for Product Safety and Standards. Your first bill after installation may be estimated depending on the timing of your billing cycle.


    The national smart metering infrastructure has been developed from the outset in consultation with experts from industry and government, including the National Cyber Security Centre, part of Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

    The national smart metering network is separate from the internet and uses a secure system that ensures only authorised parties, such as energy suppliers and network companies, can access. "

    Well so much for accuracy. When technology goes wrong it can go horribly wrong.

    And if people are willing through alleged convenience to hand government greater potential control over their energy consumption in some way or another, then who am I to argue.

    I digress.

    I have had no resolution, no response to my email below and have been requested to provide my monthly reads, which I have ready, but am unwilling to provide until the issue is resolved and my account shows the correct balance.

    Name:  Gmail - Transactions Errors - Acc# A---------_Redacted.jpg
Views: 647
Size:  39.0 KB

    As you can see I have provided in my email a correct representation of how my transactions listing should appear online and if it is impossible for a human to go in and remove the incorrect and unnecessary entries, then Eon's accounting system needs adapting.

    Happy Christmas to you all.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    I sympathise. When you get these incorrect postings to your account are you able to get any information on the source or nature of the amounts - usually a debit will be explainable by reference to readings , whether actual or estimated. What if anything are you able to discern about these incorrect postings?

    there is another thread by @SteffiT who after a meter change has had 2 amounts of over £6000 each posted to her account and explanation was still awaited this afternoon. There are some similarities in your post and hers, which is why I mention it. Us volunteers here can only speculate as to the cause, but these cases don’t smell right.