15% of Smart meters are operating in Dumb mode

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    So the Government publish quarterly statistics on the rollout of smart meters. You didn't know that? - well the figures are quite shocking because they expose the lies we're told about how wonderful these meters actually are.

    The data to end September 2022 is here:

    Q3 2022 Smart Meters Statistics Report (publishing.service.gov.uk)

    It will come as no surprise to forum members that just a smidgeon under 15% of so called smart Meters were then operating in Dumb mode (they call it traditional ) mode.

    And it's clear that targets for completing the programme will again be missed. It's also clear that the number of Dumb smart meters remains stubbornly high dig out the accompanying spreadsheet data.

    Who gets the benefits of smart metering? - overwhelmingly it the suppliers. Who pays for smart metering? - its us consumers whether we have one or not - its in our standing charges.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
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  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61
    So the Government publish quarterly statistics on the rollout of smart meters. You didn't know that? - well the figures are quite shocking because they expose the lies we're told about how wonderful these meters actually are.

    The data to end September 2022 is here:

    Q3 2022 Smart Meters Statistics Report (publishing.service.gov.uk)

    It will come as no surprise to forum members that just a smidgeon under 15% of so called smart Meters were then operating in Dumb mode (they call it traditional ) mode.

    And it's clear that targets for completing the programme will again be missed. It's also clear that the number of Dumb smart meters remains stubbornly high dig out the accompanying spreadsheet data.

    Who gets the benefits of smart metering? - overwhelmingly it the suppliers. Who pays for smart metering? - its us consumers whether we have one or not - its in our standing charges.

    I see that on page 3 it quotes

    SMETS1 meters are now being moved onto the national communications network, run by the Data Communications Company (DCC), so that consumers regain and keep smart services if they switch supplier. Meters are being enrolled remotely, without consumers needing to take any action, and priority is being given to those which have temporarily lost smart functionality (these meters are referred to as “operating in traditional mode"). SMETS2 meters are connected to the DCC’s network from the point of installation, so are already compatible between energy suppliers.

    I wonder what proportion of the Dumb Smart Meters are SMETS1. I could not see any timeframes for the above to take place for all - 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, never? Looks like over 3.8 million domestic smart meters are currently operating in dumb mode. Not a good advert for Smart meters in general although I guess that the issue with SMETS 2 meters is less of an issue.