Eon App and Ivie App showing vastly different monthly totals

  • waltzingmatildas's Avatar
    Just very curious what's going on here. We were instructed by Eon to purchase an Ivie bud as our rental didn't have one.

    The Eon app says my monthly total is nearly £500 while the Ivie app is showing just over £200 for combined usage. Does anyone have experience with these?

    When we got our first statement, the Eon app was telling us the total was £150+ but then I was only billed for £97. Is the app accurate?
  • 6 Replies

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    I don’t really look at the Eon Next App regarding monthly costs and don’t have an Ivie Bud. What I would do though is look at the tariff rates showing on each to see if they match your actual tariff rates. Does the consumption in kWh match what you can work out from the meter readings?

    If you take the known consumption in kWh and multiply by the your known correct tariff rates and add your known correct daily charges then you will see what your costs should actually be. You can then see which of Ivie or Eon Next App are correct… if either.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61
    Just very curious what's going on here. We were instructed by Eon to purchase an Ivie bud as our rental didn't have one.

    The Eon app says my monthly total is nearly £500 while the Ivie app is showing just over £200 for combined usage. Does anyone have experience with these?

    When we got our first statement, the Eon app was telling us the total was £150+ but then I was only billed for £97. Is the app accurate?

    I don't have a bud although I have the same piece of hardware (Chameleon) originally provided by the supplier and know it can tell you all sorts of things if you are that way inclined.

    I'm fortunate that my IHD's usage ties in nicely with the consumption I get from my monthly bills. The reason for this is that my billing date (monthly anniversary of when Eon Next became my supplier) is the same as the start of the month i.e. the 1st of every month. Any other date would have meant a difference. So if you were billed on say 15th of the month your usage would effectively cover from 0001 on 15th to 2359 on 14th of the next month whereas your Bud would give you 'So far this month' (i.e. from 1st Nov to 29th Nov if read now).

    Following on from what @JoeSoap stated above, you can go even further with your device and start recording your daily usage figures (in kWh) that can be pulled from your Bud via the History Menu (press the 6 dots bottom right) and get into spreadsheets. The electricity usage (in kWh) is very accurate whereas the gas usage can vary slightly (costing less than £1) because of the cv (Calorific value) used in the £ gas calculation Also in your History menu you can check what your tariff information is although it might not be correct (mine isn't). Check what the tariff terms are either online or from your bill although the bud's tariffs include the VAT whereas your bill adds it on at the end so whatever your tariff states on the bill (exc VAT) multiply it bt 1.05 and you might be lucky to have this number being the same as it is on your Bud! - Bills are normally correct whereas IHD might not be accurate for the tariff/SC information.

    BTW I don't really bother with the £ aspect of budgeting on a daily basis but stick to budgeting on my kWh usage for the month rather than worrying unduly on a day-to-day basis. So for example in November (1st-30st inc) my targets were 240kWh (E) and 750kWh (G) and it is looking like I may get to 235 kWh (E) and 670 kWh (G). This should give me an approximate bill (raised on 1st December ish) for November's energy of £167.25 (less £66) necessitating a variable DD payment circa 19th December of about £101 👍
    Last edited by Mailman; 29-11-22 at 11:31.
  • Bennie_R97's Avatar
    @waltzingmatildas this is a very interesting feedback. Thank you for sharing it with us. Did you check if the dates and readings in both appas are the same ? I wonder if they are recording different readings.
  • waltzingmatildas's Avatar

    Hi :) It seems to be an error or temporary miscalculation on the Eon Next app.

    So the Eon app will show a very inflated figure as the month goes and then goes down to the actual figure once the billing cycle ends. I'll put the screenshots here.

    Not a major issue unless you're new to using the app, like me. Just about gave me a heart attack as it originally told me the bill would be nearly £700 for the month of November.

    Name:  high.png
Views: 836
Size:  41.2 KBName:  lower.png
Views: 862
Size:  40.5 KB

    Another note is that the Ivie Bud app is not a great app either. It spends way too much time trying to make energy a game rather than just giving you the information that's available on the unit itself. It doesn't even have a monthly total in kWh, only £.
  • Bennie_R97's Avatar
    @waltzingmatildas Thank you so much. I will be definitely send the feedback about this. Do you have any ideas on how this could be improved?
  • waltzingmatildas's Avatar
    Showing accurate figures in the app throughout the month would be the best solution. It seems a bit pointless if it's showing some kind of estimated figure but I don't know if the Eon Next app is like this for everyone.