So, we've had 4 of these now, every time I've switched everything off and gone out, food shop, pub, gym, somewhere. First one was £9.31, then £4.21, then £1.72, then nothing as didn't hit my 40% reduction, only 23%. Not sure how I could do anymore as, everything is off and still didn't hit target, so something is flawed. Kind of lost my enthusiasm, as the reward is rapidly declining despite me hitting the same use, ie virtually nothing.
I have now received my results for the Thursday 1/12 Energy Shift.
There has been some improvement with the process because the email now states which Energy Shift is being reported but there is still no explanation for how the result is calculated.
01/12 Earn around £1.79, typical usage 1.41 kWh, target usage 0.85 kWh, actual usage 0.647 kWh. Result is FAIL = CON
OK, on this occasion I was not trying to smash it like previous attempts were I also failed but according to Bright I easily passed but once again Eon tells me I failed.
My property has a 100 Amp fuse so we can sink 22 kW at maximum and that is my target for the next all and future energy shifts.
Eon Energy Shift is a big CON.