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  • yelli24's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi there

    I was just looking for some advice as to the best way to received a refund from my credit.

    To give a bit of background, I am £1000 in credit on my account, and my monthly direct debit has just (without any notice I must add) gone up to £330 per month. This seemed excessive, but I've done the calculations and based on my highest usage month last year, the current prices (taking into account the EPG) and the EBSS discount, the VERY most I am likely to use from my credit is an extra £60 per month between now and April - so £300. I'm happy to leave £500 credit to be safe, but I'd very much like a refund of the extra £500.

    I've been trying to contact someone about this for around 2 weeks now. I have left messages containing all of the information required on Whatsapp, Twitter and Facebook, sent an email and also spent many lunch hours on hold on the phone - I also work 9-5 so am unable to use the phone during work. What is my best course of action? Should I just wait for someone to reply, somewhere? It doesn't seem like the ideal scenario when trying to get hold of a Customer Services department. Does anyone have any further suggestions?

    Many thanks in advance. :)
  • 3 Replies

  • Best Answer

    JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    Best Answer
    ...Once you have a reply like the one I had, it should take about 10 days before the money appears in your Bank Account, although you may get a cheque. Thankfully as yet, I've never been sent a cheque...
    From experience, they refund to your bank account as long as you still have a DD in place. In the past I have cancelled my DD upon switching suppliers only to be told that as my DD has been cancelled I would have to wait for a cheque. This might be standard procedure industry-wide, but I don't know for sure.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    You've done as much as you can to contact customer service. I waited exactly two weeks for a reply on WhatApp after the initial response so hopefully you should hear from an advisor soon. You are entitled to your credit balance, or a part of it, back but they may want to put your DD up to compensate so have evidence of annual usage and likely cost to hand so you can negotiate from a position of strength.
  • Cinders's Avatar
    Level 1

    I requested a refund of £500 from my Credit on the 3rd of November through email to
    I received a message on my account the same day.
    Here's the message I received (incase your wondering what to look for):

    You have a pending repayment

    A repayment of £500.00 on Nov 3rd hasn't yet been applied.

    Like you, I have over £1000 in Credit on my Account and once this months DD is applied to my Account I'll be £1600 in Credit. I also mentioned this in my email to them.

    May be, it's worth sending another email to with details of your account number, how much Credit you have on your account and how much you want refunded.

    Once you have a reply like the one I had, it should take about 10 days before the money appears in your Bank Account, although you may get a cheque. Thankfully as yet, I've never been sent a cheque.

    Anything over £500, takes longer and has to go to the Financing department or something, before you can get a decision or it can be released.

    Good Luck and hope this helps. If you can, do keep us informed on your progress.