One step to far now.

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    They didn't! If it ain't broke....
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 57

    1. Can you confirm to all that Eon Next can connect to your gas meter and recorded these readings as 'Smart' in your account?
    2. Are any readings in your account 'Estimated'?
    3. Do the meter readings match up to your online account and any subsequent statements derived from these readings (be they Smart/Estimated/Customer readings)? - again this information is contained within your account.
    4. If you have isolated the boiler then obviously it will not be firing up at all - are you doing this 24/7 now? If so how do you heat up water? How is heating provided?

    Sorry to ask questions but we are all trying to get a handle on your situation and are totally reliant on you 'shining a torch' on information that you can give us, as most of us are customers like yourself groping around in the dark.
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1
    So nothing on the IHD and nothing on's clearly not the IHD then. If it was the IHD, bright would work. If neither work, it's a meter issue or a problem with the registration of the meter. DCC can see the meter on their networks. You say you've had the meter changed. Did the engineer who came out re-pair your IHD to the new meter, or program the new meter details into your comms hub? Because if not, your IHD will still be trying to communicate with the old one that was removed.

    Yes fitter paird the meter to the IHD and it took 2 days to settle down and work. Worked fine for 3 months then started doing what its doing now, Just the same as my first gas smart meter but that one ended up not even showing any readings when i pressed the meter buttons.
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1
    Right, we're getting somewhere. So, your gas meter is sending readings to then? Or not?

    Yes the gas smart meter sends readings to eon next no problem. the problem i have is My gas smart meter is intermittent in sending info to my IHD. it will go 2 to 4 hours or 1 to 2 hours or more a day without sending info to IHD then it will send 1. Then at midnight when the IHD is supposed to reset for next day the electric resets but gas does not. then it will reset at some point through the day. It is very intermittent at updating the gas side of things.
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1

    1. Can you confirm to all that Eon Next can connect to your gas meter and recorded these readings as 'Smart' in your account?
    2. Are any readings in your account 'Estimated'?
    3. Do the meter readings match up to your online account and any subsequent statements derived from these readings (be they Smart/Estimated/Customer readings)? - again this information is contained within your account.
    4. If you have isolated the boiler then obviously it will not be firing up at all - are you doing this 24/7 now? If so how do you heat up water? How is heating provided?

    Sorry to ask questions but we are all trying to get a handle on your situation and are totally reliant on you 'shining a torch' on information that you can give us, as most of us are customers like yourself groping around in the dark.

    yes sends readings to eon next.
    No estimated readings
    Dont know about matching online as my online account does not show hourly readings.
    boil my kettle.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    So, Eon are getting your readings, electric is giving instantaneous data as is should - you want to see the effect that switching appliances on or off does in 'real time', because that is how electricity works. THE GAS is a bit more 'hit and miss', which is not unusual as there is a minimum consumption, or flow rate at which the internals of the meter can actually respond to.

    Other than the gas resetting at different times, and the fact that gas meter readings aren't usually instantaneous but can update the IHD with significant delays, which is a known issue...

    I've essentially given up a lot of my time, as have others, to try and help resolve a problem which, in my opinion, doesn't actually exist. I'm sorry, but there is nothing more I can do to help. I've tried, I really have, but I can't offer any more advice other than to phone customer services...
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1

    So, Eon are getting your readings, electric is giving instantaneous data as is should - you want to see the effect that switching appliances on or off does in 'real time', because that is how electricity works. THE GAS is a bit more 'hit and miss', which is not unusual as there is a minimum consumption, or flow rate at which the internals of the meter can actually respond to.

    Other than the gas resetting at different times, and the fact that gas meter readings aren't usually instantaneous but can update the IHD with significant delays, which is a known issue...

    I've essentially given up a lot of my time, as have others, to try and help resolve a problem which, in my opinion, doesn't actually exist. I'm sorry, but there is nothing more I can do to help. I've tried, I really have, but I can't offer any more advice other than to phone customer services...

    There is a problem with gas meter and IHD as it worked fine but then started to play up.

    Even eon next have told me they have lost coms with my gas meter.
    I thank you for trying to help but dont try make me feel bad for the help you have posted.
    If eon next replied to my emails and other media areas which they say to contact them on i would not be posting on here.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    As I say, I'm out of ideas, the delays in response to tweets, emails or other media channels are what they are. The only thing I can suggest is phone them.

    You say Eon are getting readings, there are no estimates and yet they've lost comms with your meter. Nothing further I can suggest.
  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hey @Karln 👋

    I just had a quick look at your account. I can see a note that our smart team are already looking into this for you, I totally understand how frustrating this must be for you & I'm sorry you seem to keep having issues with your meter. Rest assured it's being looked into though & someone will be in touch once there is an update 😊
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳

    Looking for the latest price cap information? Visit this thread Ofgem energy price cap 1 July 2024 - How will this affect my E.ON Next tariff?
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1
    This is what my IHD said at 5.34 am this morning

    we used no electricity (except fridge/freezer) and no gas between 11pm and 5,34am this morning.

    So why is my IHD saying £2.31 used today?

    Now tell me there is nothing wrong.
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