Eon takes the biscuit...

  • HackedOff's Avatar
    Level 1
    I finally got shot of Eon Next after an 8 month fight.&nbsp; I moved into a bungalow where the previous owner left an outstanding £300 electricity bill.&nbsp; Eon told me the bill belongs to the building, not the person.&nbsp; No wonder their insignia are clouds, phew, go figure.<br><br>Anyhow, I read my meter on 7th April and paid £175.41, which was my last bill.&nbsp; I don't have a smart meter, and won't have one, they are more trouble than they are worth!&nbsp;<br><br>I then got a 'guesstimated' bill from Eon Next for a further £86.23, for 10 days electricity only until the switch over.&nbsp; I live alone in a tiny 2 bed bungalow, hardly use the cooker/oven. In April didn't have any heating on. Only watch TV at night. Sometimes leave a transistor radio on for my dogs!&nbsp; I don't live in Blackpool, and power the ruddy lights!&nbsp;<br><br>So I queried it, and got £22.31 reimbursed.&nbsp;<br><br>I paid the outstanding £63.92, got an email thanking me for the payment.&nbsp; But am getting texts AND emails firstly adding an additional £10 and now a further £20 for non payment.&nbsp;<br><br>I have spent hours waiting to speak to an 'energy specialist'.&nbsp; These messages usually come at a weekend when they are bloody shut, so can't speak to anyone.&nbsp;<br><br>I rang on Monday and asked to speak to a manager.&nbsp; I'm a vulnerable (ex) customer, disabled and can do without this sh1t.&nbsp; I was told it could be 72 hours.&nbsp; Erm, well, another Eon promise broken.&nbsp;<br><br>The emails and texts are coming from genuine Eon addresses and numbers.&nbsp; Are they mad?&nbsp; I know I am bloody fuming.&nbsp; If I was an elderly, confused customer, I may end up paying my bill repeatedly.&nbsp;<br><br>For gods sake Eon, get a grip.&nbsp; I'm reporting you to the Ombudsman for harrassment!!&nbsp;<br>
  • 7 Replies

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Sorry to hear your story. It may be best to follow the complaints process from the beginning. The following link may help…

    It can take a long time to get any response right now due to all the changes on 1st October.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • Johnh1995's Avatar
    Level 18
    I have read your long post but only thing I kept seeing was the letters. nbsp which is quoted 20 times and also <br≥ ≤br≥.Would you care to enlighten me the meaning of these letters as they are a mystery to me

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    they're some sort of embedded text command not usually included in the submission. Just ignore them.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    @HackedOff when you say you moved into a bungalow, and the previous owner left a £300 debt, did E.On Next make you liable for that debt? Did you pay it? Can we deal with things in sequence rather than all at once?
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    That post has been pasted in HTML, methinks.

    <br> is supposed to be a line break, and &nbsp is a conventional non-breaking space.

    Let me try and 'decode' it for folks.

    Message Begins

    I finally got shot of Eon Next after an 8 month fight. I moved into a bungalow where the previous owner left an outstanding £300 electricity bill. Eon told me the bill belongs to the building, not the person. No wonder their insignia are clouds, phew, go figure.

    Anyhow, I read my meter on 7th April and paid £175.41, which was my last bill. I don't have a smart meter, and won't have one, they are more trouble than they are worth!

    I then got a 'guesstimated' bill from Eon Next for a further £86.23, for 10 days electricity only until the switch over. I live alone in a tiny 2 bed bungalow, hardly use the cooker/oven. In April didn't have any heating on. Only watch TV at night. Sometimes leave a transistor radio on for my dogs! I don't live in Blackpool, and power the ruddy lights!

    So I queried it, and got £22.31 reimbursed.

    I paid the outstanding £63.92, got an email thanking me for the payment. But am getting texts AND emails firstly adding an additional £10 and now a further £20 for non payment.

    I have spent hours waiting to speak to an 'energy specialist'. These messages usually come at a weekend when they are bloody shut, so can't speak to anyone.

    I rang on Monday and asked to speak to a manager. I'm a vulnerable (ex) customer, disabled and can do without this sh1t. I was told it could be 72 hours. Erm, well, another Eon promise broken.

    The emails and texts are coming from genuine Eon addresses and numbers. Are they mad? I know I am bloody fuming. If I was an elderly, confused customer, I may end up paying my bill repeatedly.

    For gods sake Eon, get a grip. I'm reporting you to the Ombudsman for harrassment!!

    Message Ends

    That help any?
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Going right back to square one, might I ask the circumstances of your move?

    You say you moved into your bungalow, but did you buy it or are you renting? You said 'previous owner', but was it an actual owner or a tenant?

    If renting, is it private or social (Council or housing association)?

    In any case, no matter what you have been told, liability for the bill does not 'belong to the building', but to the previous incumbent.

    No matter what your tenure, you always take meter readings when you move in and inform the current supplier. Did you do this? Did you try to carry an account or contract over from your previous property?

    HOW did you know, or find out, that there was an outstanding bill? Was it a paper bill addressed to a previous occupier?

    These questions will help point us in a direction from which we may be able to assist you trying to sort all this out.

    With the best will in the world, many of us on this forum are just volunteers or folks trying to 'lend a hand' to our fellow members. It is only once we can see a better picture of your issue that we can figure out a way forward in resolving your problem, or at least pointing you in the right direction.

    The ombudsman is there as a backstop if all other avenues fail, but they will not entertain a complaint unless you have gone through the correct complaints process first with no resolution.

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    By the way, the reason I ask about your domestic situation is because on more than one occasion I have moved to both rented and mortgaged properties where the previous occupant had 'done a bunk' owing money on bills. The procedure for getting it sorted was slightly different in each situation.

    I'm not being nosy as such...just trying to get to the right starting point to fathom out what has possibly gone wrong and what can be done to alleviate matters.

    I appreciate you are now an ex-customer, but I would still like to try and determine why you are still getting hassled.
    Last edited by retrotecchie; 27-10-22 at 23:13.