UKDJ They haven't been able to read mine for years, up until the morning I left E.on last week, they then took a smart reading, apparently, got the day and night values the wrong way round, made the bill up to those readings which made it 2800 more units than I've used. The next morning the readings were the correct way round and confirmed as correct by my new supplier, who, oddly, can read my meter without any trouble whatsoever.
My account was in credit by some way and included the first government energy payment, but with the incorrect readings that E.on took they made a bill up of over £800, less the price cap and then less my credit and they gave me a final bill for £256.00!
What I actually used in the last month was 22 units, they billed me for an extra 2800, and can you get hold of E.on? Not a chance, no replies to emails, WhatsApp, no one answers the pone and I even, god forbid, opened a twitter account but alas no joy there either. So yesterday I sent them a 14 day later before action, which of course they'll ignore so its off to court for me; I can't speak for anyone else but I can't afford to let and energy company 1. Make up false bills and 2. keep my money that was in credit. They're an absolute shower and shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.
I wonder how many other people they've done this too and those people have paid up..