Meter readings

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  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Lots of delays on the website due to the sheer volume of Web traffic and goings on with the hamsters in the back office. Response may not be as snappy as usual but rest assured the relevant 1's and 0's are rattling their way through the hamster-wheel and will show up eventually. My account seems to take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days for things to fall into place, but it sorts itself out in the end.

    Last edited by retrotecchie; 27-10-22 at 23:09.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • Philjay's Avatar
    Level 1
    My latest Statement shows my Smart Reading and my account now has my Reading on 26th listed. Problem solved!
  • Emily's Avatar
    Level 10
    I had the same problem and the reading still hadn't shown up the next day so I submitted another one - two days later two statements have been generated, one for each! It seems there's a delay in the readings being registered for some reason at the moment, maybe worth waiting a couple of days before re-entering the reading or following up to see if the account rights itself.
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    I've had the same issues too with the last 2 months manual readings, which have both taken a few days to appear on my account. Also, no smart readings have been registering since April, so I've had to input manual readings for both electricity and gas since then. I contacted Eon next by phone back in July, and they advised there were issues with smart meter readings and a backlog of approximately 8 weeks for it to be fixed. Lo and behold, a smart reading was taken for my electricity yesterday, but still waiting for the gas one to be sorted. My next-door neighbour also has exactly the same problems, but at least Eon next appear to be making some progress now.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    This is a bit long winded, but it may help understand things:

    In the case of your DD payments leaving your bank like greased weasel's s**t off a chromed shovel, but only showing up on your Eon statements or transaction hours, days (or even weeks later), I suspect it is because the payments system is backend between Eon and your bank via DD and completely hidden from the website. The transactions showing up on your Eon account, or bills generated or any info provided by Eon is entirely dependent on the amount of traffic their front end Web server thingy is trying to cope with at any one time. Likewise giving meter readings. The data entry bit has to respond to you entering the reading instantly, but once it has your input, it has to churn through the hamster wheel.

    Any server can only do so many things at once, so if a quarter of a million people are trying to send in meter readings, plus us horrible lot nattering away on the community forum all day, plus Beki and Hannah and all the rest of them poking around the innards on our behalf, then the server obviously has to prioritise 'real time' events like entering meter readings or posting our nonsense, and getting round to updating everyone's online information, payments and stuff takes a bit of a back seat. Usually things are quick enough to be near real time, or a few minutes maybe, but I suspect they just aren't feeding the hamsters fast enough right now with the sheer volume of traffic their systems are trying to cope with. Plus right now, lots of us are no longer checking our Eon account once or twice a month, but likely several times an hour.

    All the malarkey that you, me and everyone else are nattering away about possibly isn't helping speed things up any, but just giving the hamsters more to cope with!

    Maybe that may explain the aparrent slowness of stuff updating on your account. If the app or website takes your readings, Great. Go for a walk, have a coffee, relax, smoke one if you smoke...chill out. Everything will come out of the hamster wheel eventually. Just remember the hamsters need a break too, sometimes!
  • Fairheadnorth's Avatar
    Level 2
    Hey. I sent my meter readings, on 21st January, had email to confirm. Still no bill. But noticied my credit has gone done. So they have taken money. Another big bill. But then I checked my transaction.. and noticed something strange. So my bill in December was for £477. So that got taken 21st December, then next day £222 left my credit them £103 added from direct debit. Then 31st December £125 left my credit. The bill clearly states it was £477. Check your transactions guys.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    @Fairheadnorth welcome to the forum. While the are staff hovering in the background most of the replies come from other customers.

    So we don’t have access to you account, so we can’t see what you can see. What you have posted is not that informative. Can you post picture with personal data excluded.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    well done for posting the picture. So for each of the 3 charges listed for electricity, are the dates involved consecutive, are the Readings following on from each other and are any readings estimated?
    is your meter smart and working in smart mode?
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    31/12/22 will be an estimated reading, because the tariffs and the amount of EPG the government pay per unit changed at midnight.

    If the bill for the first three weeks of December was in the right ballpark, then they would have extrapolated a figure for the next ten days.