That, then is the explanation. Estimated reading due to tariff change. Perhaps expect the same again next April, but try to get a meter reading submitted on 31 March so the next changeover is as accurate as possible.
Billing History Transactions
Ah, all becomes clear....
That, then is the explanation. Estimated reading due to tariff change. Perhaps expect the same again next April, but try to get a meter reading submitted on 31 March so the next changeover is as accurate as possible.
Why would tariff change given I'm on fixed until February 2023? Surely if you're on fixed tariff, there shouldn't be any changes made? Or am I misunderstanding?
I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
Strangely enough, I had an email today from Eon saying that they've reduced my fixed tariff rates to match the EPG. Guess that would explain the estimate readings then... -
It's taking a much longer time than usual for the good customer services folk to get everyone's issues addressed and solutions/answers/explanations/tweaks rolled out but they really are trying their best in spite of the mahoosive demand from so many customers all at once in light of recent events in the energy arena.
We all need to try and be a little more tolerant and understanding in light of the situation, and the lads and lasses really are trying as hard as possible to deal with things as quickly as humanly possible but they are just that...human.
Glad to see you have finally got a positive response, as I am sure will everyone else eventually.