Utterly confused! Am I being ripped-off?

  • achmony's Avatar
    Level 1
    'Just received the latest bill for my energy account with Eon Next. However, I am confused.

    It clearly states that my tariffs and standing charges rates are:
    Electricity: 33.07p/kWh and 50.51p/day and Gas: 10.28p/kWh and 27.22p/day. (rates VAT incl)
    I therefore ask why I have been charged for 30/9/22 –(E) 50.16p/kWh and 47.61p/day
    and (G) 12.687/kWh and 25.923/day (all ratesplus VAT@5%)?
    From 1/10/22 to 16/10/22 similar rates have been charged and certainly not the tariffs and standing charges that should supposedly prevail and were proffered by yourselves?
    This is plainly wrong. This should be acknowledged and suitable recompense should be made immediately.
  • 2 Replies

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    This is a customer to customer forum. E.On Next staff lurk in the background.

    What tariff were you on pre 1 October and what tariff are you on now? Which region are you in? How do you pay DD, cash/cheque/ prepayment? All these things affect pricing, so you need to be clear about your situation.

    Prices for people on variable tariffs went up on 1 October, and at the same time came down for some customers with fix price tariffs, because of the Governments EPG. The implementation of all the changes has been extremely challenging, mistakes have been made, and not everything is correct yet. We should be able to tell you what your correct rates should be. Then the easiest thing is to wait a while for E.On Next to correct things.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.