Changing Direct debit

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  • TimP's Avatar
    Level 1
    I’ve waited hours on the phone and also on What’s app to talk to someone from Customer services but it’s just impossible.

    I was one of the customers who took a fixed tariff for a year to guarantee prices just before the price guarantee was introduced. That pushed my direct debt up £300 pounds a month!

    all I was to do is reduce my DDR back down to where is was as even though I’ve had zero comms from EOn they are obliged to reduced my charges as per the EPG. In addition I have had Solar fitted which reduces my bill further.

    I can’t change my DDR online as it only allows a reduction of 10 per cent and I want to reduce it by 40 per cent.

    Eon also now have a large credit balance which I won’t eat through.

    how in the lords name do I get this changed if no comms channels work and the website limits ddr change to 10 per cent????
  • 2 Replies

  • Rads81's Avatar
    Level 5
    I’m in a similar position @TimP and like you know that my DD could reduce by a similar, but smaller %, and it would cover what I will be using whilst making use of the credit I’ve built up.

    I emailed and WhatsApp’d at the start of last week and am now patiently waiting to see what happens and/or what is communicated.

    I have considered reducing by the 10% and then seeing if I can reduce by another 10% next month, however I don’t want to amend something just in case I do get a response or they make a mass update to reduce DD’s.
  • Andy65's Avatar
    Level 46
    Hi @TimP, social media channels are currently taking around 5 days to respond at the moment, you have to be patient I'm afraid.