Unknowingly Moved to Standard Variable Rate (SVR) - Next Flex

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    perhaps you and @Beki_EONNext can relay to the powers that be that it would be wise to halt (if that's possible) the forced cancellations of fixed tariff in favour of the EPG flex rate. It seems to me that cancelling the fixes without customer agreement would be a breach of contract, albeit well intentioned based on government announcements and assurances, that, in the event, ceased to be valid from Monday morning. Therefore, the correct course of action would be to reinstate those contracts but limit the unit prices by the extent of the EPG reduction, even if these leave the rates above the EPG floor. It would then be up to the CUSTOMER to decide whether to exit the fix or not in favour of the next flex variable tariff.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Beki's Avatar
    @meldrewreborn Thank you. I have passed your words on. We are awaiting guidance still, so as soon as we know - you'll know.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    Thank you for your prompt reply. We await the tablets of stone in due course.
  • MCeeJay's Avatar
    Level 9
    Certainly for the next 6 months I agree.

    But can I highlight a potential problem for those that fixed recently. particularly for a September/Early October start date? Most of these customers (myself inc) who have stayed on their fix will find that come April 1st 2023 the (universal) EPG rates and fixed tariff reductions will be dead in the water. What replaces it will not be known for many months but I can do no worse than forecast we will not see the universal rate reductions applied post-April that we currently see. It is almost certainly going to be much more targeted towards those on Universal Credit, pensioners and those with disability needs. The current EPG cap levels are based on a £2500 average household. Come April 1st (or in the weeks leading up to this) we should see what unit rates are going to be for at least 3 months, maybe longer. The indications are that come April unit rates will almost certainly take the notional average figure well past £2500 if Cornwall is to be believed.

    Which brings me to the likes of v18 (my tariff). If I, along with everyone on such a fixed tariff is/has been forceably moved onto a different tariff NOW (such as Next Flex), come April 1st we would see us going onto the higher NEXT FLEX rates rather than reverting to the original V18 unadjusted rates that existed when we signed up for them in good faith and these may be cheaper than what is in place for Next Flex post April 2023.

    Of course if Eon Next intends keeping us on the V18 etc tariff until April 1st, applying only the EPG and Eon Next reductions (to be in line with Next Flex) all well and good but the inference now from other posters being forceably moved now may see them being disadvantaged post April 1st 2023. At least give the customers the figures and let them decide what they wish to do now - stay on their v18. v19 v20 fix (with reductions) or move to a different tariff - Next Flex - with deductions already applied.

    Given the fact I asked back in September (when the EPG was announced) to not have my v19 tariff start in October and to stay on variable, and then being told several times there was no need for me to come off the fixed tariff as prices would be adjusted to the EPG, I would be very p*ssed off if I now got automatically moved to something I was told there was no need to be moved to!
  • Johnh1995's Avatar
    Level 19
    I am pretty certain that the advice given to you by E.on at the time regarding Flex or Fixed, was the best available at the time.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    When Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was asked what was the greatest challenge for a statesman, he replied: 'Events, dear boy, events'. The same is true for most leaders and organisations. Which is why people want consistency from Government, suppliers like E.On Next are squeezed in the middle of Government and customers.