IHD only showing electric fobbed off.

  • KevinF's Avatar
    Level 10
    I knew when eon next gave me the £66 gov grant something would go wrong and sure enough my meter readings weren't taken, so had to ring and give readings to a not very helpful rep.
    Apparently my meters had disconnected but worse my IHD stopped showing gas and won't reset.
    Told via WhatsApp chat I had to buy an Ivie bud.
    Reading forum posts, it's obvious that Eon next staff can reset these devices remotely but it's a case of whether they can be bothered or have time to do it.
    This is so frustrating as just when you need to be able to engage with your energy usage, Winter, things go wrong!
    I'd really love to hear from one of the knowledgeable tech's


    can you put things right.
  • 7 Replies

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    Ah, the joys of technology.

    I don't have any kind of smart meter, just an old fashioned 'leccy meter in an outdoor meter cabinet round the back of the house.

    I still read it twice a day, most days and can track my energy usage just as smartly (if not smarter) using a simple spreadsheet on my tablet PC.

    If your meters are reasonably accessible, you should still be able to 'engage with your usage' while awaiting technical support. Things being what they are at the moment, you will have to be patient as the poor folks are run off their feet but they will get to you.

    Back in the day, us old folks even had to get out of the armchair to change the channels on the telly...mind you, there were only four to choose from.
  • Andy65's Avatar
    Level 49
    Hi @KevinF

    When was the last time your account automatically received readings?
    It may be a read schedule problem, you'll need to persist with Customer Services I'm afraid.
    I'd suggest getting the meters to submit readings automatically first before doing anything with the IHD.
  • KevinF's Avatar
    Level 10
    Thanks Andy, re the IHD I've now got an Ivie bud which, fingers crossed, is working fine. The old eon smet2 is still only showing electric costs, so I'm assuming it is broken. Eon have assured me meters are now working fine, so fingers crossed.
    My initial frustration was getting an Eon rep to do anything and just cut the WhatsApp chat off and their complaints department haven't even acknowledged my email but I suppose they're able to be complacent for the foreseeable future 🥴
  • KevinF's Avatar
    Level 10
    @retrotecchie thanks, I remember those days too 👴 and would happily return in a flash.
    I've purchased an Ivie bud, as recommended by eon and so far working fine.
    Every so often I have these issues and normally their reps eventually get it sorted. I don't like taking the gas reading too often as you have to press the button to wake it up and I fear this will flatten the battery, if that happens apparently the world ends 😮
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    Ah....gas. Yes. My old gas meter was a grey metal thing with dials, didn't need a battery and did it's job reliably for 20 years without a peep.

    Several houses ago and several lives away now.

    Fortunately, the only gas I need to worry about these days is the butane in my lighter.

    I measure my heating energy consumption by dipping a tank these days. Thank God! 7p per kWh and no standing charges or fannying about with meter readings.
  • KevinF's Avatar
    Level 10
    @retrotecchie haha and to think I had the chance to move to a property with oil heating 😭
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    The only downside is just remembering to get an order in when the tank is getting a bit low. Once or twice I've had to nip down to the garage to buy 25 litres in an emergency when the delivery isn't due for another couple of days.

    Other than that, which was my own fault, I can't fault oil. Even if I ever moved back to 'civilisation', I'd stick with oil. After having gas CH for 30 years, it was a whole new experience for me, but one I have come to live happily with. And now, no worries about gas prices.