Smart Meter fault leads to Double Billing

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  • Emily's Avatar
    Level 10

    I had a similar double billing problem that I posted here about back in August - it's been impossible to get an explanation for why from E.ON Next customer services although one of the community managers here (E.ON Next staff who check in from time to time and step in if they can help) has been more responsive.

    The problem appears to have been that the estimated distribution of my energy usage over the winter and summer months was wrong even though my overall usage for the year remained essentially the same. Because prices went up in April 2022, the net effect of that was to reduce my overall charges a bit.

    It sounds like the situation isn't likely to be quite the same for you because you have smart meter readings throughout - but it might be worth checking if the new readings align at every step with the original ones, or if it's just the first and last ones that are the same (indicating that overall usage hasn't been altered). If any are different then that wouldn't affect the cost because you're on a fix, but it might explain the reversals and re-billing (because the recorded pattern of usage over the course of the year would have changed).

    Not sure if that makes any kind of sense, hope so! As I say, I've found it hard to get a clear explanation from E.ON Next so it's just a thought based on my own recent experience.
    Last edited by Emily; 15-10-22 at 14:35.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    OK having re read all your posts it seems that at some sort of annual review halfway through your fix, they’ve tidied up your account. The readings are correct, is you account balance correct too?
    Is your concern that your smart meter data is now missing?
    Last edited by meldrewreborn; 16-10-22 at 14:11.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • StuartD's Avatar
    Level 5
    They haven't tidied up anything they have just recharged almost an entire years electricity again.

    I have done all the calculations using the Initial Meter reading from start as a customer (which match the old suppliers last readings).

    I have been with them for almost exactly a year when they made this error and I had paid them 13 payments of £130.02 totaling £1,690.26.

    My electricity usage during this period was 3334 units and the charge per Kwh is 18.424p. The standing charge is 25p per day. So total electricity usage = 3,334 kwh @ 18.424 p/kwh = £614.12 plus 25p per day x 370 days = £92.50. So a grand total of £640.39 from 1st October 21 to 6th October 22.

    The Gas part of the account has no dispute and the opening reading 2
    nd October 21 was 4,878 , and 6,146 on the 2nd October 22. A usage of 1,268 units. The cost of gas on all statements issued by EON totals £640.39.

    So i have paid them £1690.26 and the cost for the dual fuel is £1,347.01. Yet my account is £201.52 in debit due to them re-charging all the units from 2 Oct 21 to Sept 22 on my October statement. On my October 22 statement they should have only billed for September 22 to October 22 which works out at a cost of around £60 and not the £632.57 they have charged.

    My October 22 statement says your estimated annual cost for electricity is £746.62 and £699.16 gas, a total of £1,445.78.

    If I have paid them nearly £1700, how can i possibly be in debt to them over the year.

    There error is when correcting the smart meter fault they have re-charged me for the Units already paid for from 1st October 21 to 31st August 22.

    Its really quite obvious and simple.

    Yesterday was horrific I spent 2 hours on hold to them to initially be told after a very long wait that it was due an issue in closing readings with old supplier. LIE.

    Then another 30 minutes on hold to be told I would get an email from them before the end of the day which read as follows:-

    "Further to our telephone conversation earlier I can confirm that the billing is correct for both your Electric usage and your Gas. Electric meter read from when your account started 2/10 to the most recent read provided 15102.0.
    Having looked at your account the current balance is correct, we haven't double billed we amended the meter read for 2/10/21 to 30/9/22 and this is showed you in pounds and pence you actual usage this is separate from your monthly Direct Debt payment so afraid the £632.57 payment is correct"

    Possibly going to have to take this to the Ombudsman as they aren't able to think out of a very narrow box and do a manual calculation like I have to prove usage and cost vs payments received cant lead to me owing them hundreds of pounds.

    Last edited by StuartD; 18-10-22 at 15:50.
  • frustratedandangry's Avatar
    Level 5

    Take this to the Ombudsman. I've had a similar problem, where every month they read my meter at less than actual use and then refund me the difference. Last two occasions they've taken wrong reading for meter but not refunded anything, so if I put in my own reading I would have to pay for approx 1500kwh already paid for.

    It's taken a year to sort this, but am finally getting my meter replaced in November (I hope). After making complaint to the Ombudsman it's only taken a couple of weeks to sort. One thing I found useful was to make all communications via twitter. Although it takes time, you have a written record of what you've said and they've said for the Ombudsman.

    Good luck!
  • StuartD's Avatar
    Level 5

    Just an update for anyone who was interested.

    I have been in touch with a couple of (very helpful) individuals at EON after a Trust Pilot review I provided so we are finally getting to the bottom of the matter.

    They have now agreed my account was wrong and double charging had occurred.

    If it wasn't for persistence in the matter I may not have got through to these people who can actually look deeper into issues.

    I hope everyone else struggling to get in touch with EON make some progress and maybe EON can get their once excellent service back working again.
