FIT/panels/ money saving advice!

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  • murmuration's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi, thanks in advance.
    I'm new to all this, having gained existing panels with house purchase. The FIT has been transferred to me. I'm trying to understand what to expect in terms of payments and best ways to save money. I tried to look through the OFGEM rates for FIT but they were incomprehensible.
    We don't yet have smart meters (our energy is with a different supplier than our FIT with e.on) - can we get smart meters that will monitor our panel output too? Is it worth investing in a battery for the panels? Is the return on the panels likely to be highest sticking with the FIT, or would battery and measured output be better?
    I apologise if this is all basic, I feel like I've been searching for days and not found the specifics I need.
  • 2 Replies

  • Best Answer

    JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    Best Answer

    You can contact the FIT team on 0808 501 5218

    Hopefully they can help.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar
    Hi, thanks in advance.
    I'm new to all this, having gained existing panels with house purchase. The FIT has been transferred to me. I'm trying to understand what to expect in terms of payments and best ways to save money. I tried to look through the OFGEM rates for FIT but they were incomprehensible.
    We don't yet have smart meters (our energy is with a different supplier than our FIT with e.on) - can we get smart meters that will monitor our panel output too? Is it worth investing in a battery for the panels? Is the return on the panels likely to be highest sticking with the FIT, or would battery and measured output be better?
    I apologise if this is all basic, I feel like I've been searching for days and not found the specifics I need.

    batteries are incredibly expensive at the moment so you might be better off finding a better feed in tariff.

    I am currently in the process of swiching to Octopus Energy, they have confirmed that they will be paying me 15p per kWh of electricity exported to the grid.
    Last edited by PeterT_EONNext; 05-11-22 at 16:03. Reason: Spam