People on Fixed v18, v19, v20 Online DD Tariffs

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  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61

    Whatever happens or is going to happen, the customers on these fixed tariffs (esp those ones most affected as per title thread) will need a full disclosure by Eon Next about how they intend getting such tariffs in line with the EPG tariff.

    At the moment they are most certainly not (and is reflected unsurprisingly in the online accounts). As I predicted Eon Next are now facing a tsunami of protest similar to the more recent posts in this thread. Much as I appreciated getting a 'Customer Service Gesture' that almost certainly does compensate for the wrong (electricity) rate on my recent bill, this approach will cause endless problems over the next 6 months as there will proably be 10's of thousands (possibly 100's of thousands) scratching their heads in a state of total bewilderment. I don't know how this compensation is being calculated but can getting the correct unit rate really be that difficult for your tech team to code and implement? I appreciate that is not quite so easy as it might first appear but Eon Next need to add in another line to bill to effect the unit rate reduction down to the EPG. Surely easier to do than running a compensation gesture program....

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  • Marypw's Avatar
    Level 6

    Whatever happens or is going to happen, the customers on these fixed tariffs (esp those ones most affected as per title thread) will need a full disclosure by Eon Next about how they intend getting such tariffs in line with the EPG tariff.

    At the moment they are most certainly not (and is reflected unsurprisingly in the online accounts). As I predicted Eon Next are now facing a tsunami of protest similar to the more recent posts in this thread. Much as I appreciated getting a 'Customer Service Gesture' that almost certainly does compensate for the wrong (electricity) rate on my recent bill, this approach will cause endless problems over the next 6 months as there will proably be 10's of thousands (possibly 100's of thousands) scratching their heads in a state of total bewilderment. I don't know how this compensation is being calculated but can getting the correct unit rate really be that difficult for your tech team to code and implement? I appreciate that is not quite so easy as it might first appear but Eon Next need to add in another line to bill to effect the unit rate reduction down to the EPG. Surely easier to do than running a compensation gesture program....

    Name:  Test Bill.jpg
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    Yes, I completely agree.
    And I've not received any compensation gesture! It can't be that difficult to change everyone on these high fixes down to the EPG, as has been promised on the website for weeks. And no replies to email or DMs, either. Absolutely shoddy service!
  • Marypw's Avatar
    Level 6
    I have now received customer service gestures on my account, which I presume is the necessary adjustment?
    Thank you for your efforts on this.
  • onyourbike's Avatar
    Level 8

    On the 3rd October I asked via email to be moved onto the Next Flex variable tariff if you were unable to correctly change the V19 tariff and received this response.

    "I apologise for the confusion! We have had some delays in writing to customers on fixed tariffs to let them know that actual amount that you will be paying. There have been so many changes recently that we have not been able to keep up. This is not your fault.The fixed deals that customers changed to WILL be brought into line with the Government Guidelines and you should receive a letter/email this week.
    Hope this helps
    Energy Specialist!"

    and then on Monday had the response below. It would appear this is all lies if people are being charged the high Ofgem rate minus the 17p for electricity. As before if you are incapable of doing this simple task then just move me (us) onto the variable tariff NOW.

    "We have been working really hard to make sure that we update all prices after the Government changes took place. We had already got the prices in place for 1st October and then they decided to announce the changes! We have an awful lot of customers who were affected by this and we are trying our best to get this changed.Don't worry, all charges will be backdated to the correct ones as soon as possible,
    Energy Specialist "
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    E.On next have repeatedly confirmed that the reduction in unit rates will be done in 2 stages, the first funded by the Government EPG and the second funded by the company itself. All the reductions apply from 1 October and affect unit prices but not standing charges. The position prior to 1 October is still undecided - many feel that by complying with the company’s advice to do nothing about their fix they have been exposed to higher prices for that period. Now the assurance that the EPG would run for 2 years has been removed and it is possible that the fixed rates will still be advantageous post 1April next year.

    think things through carefully before making you decisions - but there is no certainty in all this at present - the fix still holds out some sort of backstop.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61

    as per the above post please read carefully!

    Due to the announcement by the new Chancellor, at least I have a bit of certainty come April-September 2023 in that I know what the v18 rates are so can budget accordingly. It certainly will act as a backstop for myself if the arrangements from next April mean that the unit rates I pay from April-September are higher than the (unadjusted) v18 rates. I have already re-done my financial spreadsheets kicking the EPG rates out of the park from next April replacing them with the (unadjusted)v18 rates. Of course nobody knows whether the cap will exist in its pre-EPG form and/or what measures (if any) are put in place once the EPG runs out. At least with Eon Next there are no exit fees should anyone on fixed tariffs dump them in favour of Next Flex should the need arise.
    Last edited by Mailman; 18-10-22 at 11:37.
  • PNELancs's Avatar
    Level 4
    I’ve been told tonight by an agent that all customers on fixed rates that would still be over the guarantee even after the 17p or so reduction have been moved to the variable rate. They’ve done that to me without asking first, surely that goes against much of what has been said earlier in this thread?
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61
    I’ve been told tonight by an agent that all customers on fixed rates that would still be over the guarantee even after the 17p or so reduction have been moved to the variable rate. They’ve done that to me without asking first, surely that goes against much of what has been said earlier in this thread?

    I see no sign of this yet.

    My electricity account still shows Next Online v18 with an adjusted rate above the EPG Next Flex rate for my area. TBH I'd probably prefer to stick with a contracted v18 rate after April 1st 2023 until it runs out 6 months later (making a decision about it nearer to April 1st when the EPG runs out).

    Unless Eon Next have adjusted their goalposts, I really think the CS agent that you spoke to meant to state that your tariff would still be called v18 V19 etc but that the actual rate billed on the tariff would be lower, after the EPG and Eon's own reductions, to match those on Next Flex variable - but only now for 6 months!
  • PNELancs's Avatar
    Level 4
    I see no sign of this yet.

    My electricity account still shows Next Online v18 with an adjusted rate above the EPG Next Flex rate for my area. TBH I'd probably prefer to stick with a contracted v18 rate after April 1st 2023 until it runs out 6 months later (making a decision about it nearer to April 1st when the EPG runs out).

    Unless Eon Next have adjusted their goalposts, I really think the CS agent that you spoke to meant to state that your tariff would still be called v18 V19 etc but that the actual rate billed on the tariff would be lower, after the EPG and Eon's own reductions, to match those on Next Flex variable - but only now for 6 months!

    No, he said everyone had been moved - but that’s obviously not the case as we can see from on here. Mine no longer says v20 but says variable rate on my online account.
  • Andy65's Avatar
    Level 48
    Hi @PNELancs

    It may be worth reading this thread and adding a comment to get yourself added to the investigation. I was on the variable prior to 1st October so I haven't followed in detail what has or hasn't been said with regard to fixed tariffs. If there are ongoing investigations I think it's unlikely that CS staff will have the latest information, you have nothing to lose by posting on the thread I've suggested.