Tariff Price incorrect from the Oct 1st EPG

  • Mightyreds's Avatar
    Level 4
    Tariff prices not updated to correct EPG prices , showing higher rates on app to the email confirmation I received a few days ago. Totally out of order why can't the systems be updated on the day. All other providers seem to able to do this.
  • 8 Replies

  • Scarr's Avatar
    Level 1
    Yes I just looked at my online account prices still seem to have gone up 85 per cent this will have panicked many people I assume this will be changed to the October price cap of 34p electricity and 10.33p gas
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    Same with mine. Another thread shows they are saying the computer has applied the pre-EPG prices, but someone has to input the information on the computer, so why have they not updated to show the new correct tariffs. No-one to answer the phones, it being Saturday, so I've emailed them to correct their mistake, but have not had a reply yet. No word on the £67 per month energy help reduction yet either.
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    Yes, but my upcoming online bill for 17/10/22 has no reduction on my DD. Hope they sort it.
  • braighvarrt's Avatar
    Level 1
    Same here. Received an email a week ago telling me what my new rates would be from to day but the rates displayed on the website this morning are not the same as those given in the email and are almost double my current rates😠
  • Stevens1249's Avatar
    Level 6

    • We're updating our prices to reflect the government's Energy Price Guarantee.

      Please note that your bills will be correct but the changes are taking longer to reflect in your online account. You don't need to do anything as we are working hard to get this updated.
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    I saw this notice too on the log in page. They must have posted it in response to all the complaints they will have received! I also see that you cannot log in to your account at the minute, so hopefully they are correcting their mistakes. No mention of an apology for scaring customers though, or that they should have updated their prices to the EPG tariffs before now. They have had plenty of time to update their prices before today, but at least they finally seem to be taking action.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    E.On next have failed to explain to customers what would happen today with the pricing of nearly all customers energy accounts.
    It appears that as stage one of their updating, they have incorporated the rates deriving from the OFGEM review published at the end of August. Most customers would have seen substantial increase in their bill had these increases (circa 80%) gone ahead. When stage two (to incorporate the unit price reductions deriving from the Energy Price Guarantee (EPG)) will be completed is currently unclear
    In the event, the government stepped in with the EPG, which has applied a significant reduction to the October 2022 OFGEM rates, but has left the Standing Charges unchanged from what OFGEM authorised.- these are in general a slight increase.
    For those customers on the variable rate tariff, the prices after the Government EPG has been incorporated will see their unit prices up by around 25% instead of the 80% allowed by OFGEM.
    E.On Next has been most reluctant to give away details of pricing up till now and may have been struggling to get the changes necessary properly programmed into their computers. Customers can though refer to the pricing by EDF which was published about 10 days ago. E.On Next’s pricing will likely be very similar.
    government_energy_price_guarantee_prices._standard _variable_deemed_and_welcome._credit_meters.pdf (edfenergy.com)
    Customers on fixed tariffs will see a range of unit price reductions because of the EPG, but prices will not go below the EPG rates. Some customers who fixed very recently might find, even after the EPG reductions have been applied, that their prices remain above the EPG. It’s likely that the company will bring prices down to the EPG for these customers, if not customers can exit their fix and go onto the variable rate tariff.
    E.On next have suspended most of their web site functions for the time being and are no doubt working furiously to get thing right.
    As far as the forum is concerned there have been very few E.On Next staff about for some time, perhaps indicating the problems they were having behind the scenes. Most of the contributors here are volunteers who have no access to the company’s systems so can’t actually correct anything for you. Customer services will be overwhelmed at present, but hopefully the website will be up and running again soon, accounts and tariffs will be updated and something approaching normal service will return.
    My advice to customers is to be as patient as possible, but concentrate on the fact that unit prices will now remain the same for 2 years but bills can go up or down depending on your consumption. There is no cap on bills, The caps are on prices. Use more - you pay more. Use less - you pay less.