Rates increased without notification

  • joniG's Avatar
    Level 1
    Morning all,

    I really hope this is an error with Eonnext! I received notification my new rate from today would be 33p per unit. However when I have logged in it shows 50p per unit. A massive increase and no notification on this. I assume an error but this is major 17p more is excessive when other companies all around 33/34p. They are not open today either. Just wondering what everyone else is thinking and if this should be an issue for the ombudsman ?
  • 13 Replies

  • Best Answer

    Stevens1249's Avatar
    Level 6
    Best Answer
    This is on Eons main web site:

    • We're updating our prices to reflect the government's Energy Price Guarantee.

      Please note that your bills will be correct but the changes are taking longer to reflect in your online account. You don't need to do anything as we are working hard to get this updated.
  • Aba's Avatar
    Level 1
    Yes updated mine this morning to 51.57p really hope its an error
  • DannyE's Avatar
    Level 1
    I noticed it aswell when I got back in from night shift this morning. I’ve already tried ringing, but guess what phone lines aren’t open. I went onto twitter to EonNext, Martin Lewis and the BBC stayed the same as you. The unit rates they’re showing has to be for the higher price BEFORE the cap was introduced. Both the government and other website state suppliers have to cap at 0.34p per kWh and 0.10p per kWh average. I’m on WhatsApp as I’m typing this to try and get some answers.
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 59
    I received notification my new rate from today would be 33p per unit. However when I have logged in it shows 50p per unit. A massive increase and no notification on this. I assume an error but this is major 17p more is excessive when other companies all around 33/34p. They are not open today either. Just wondering what everyone else is thinking and if this should be an issue for the ombudsman ?

    I've seen other reports that one other company (Octopus) is in the same boat re the online account not showing the actual price you will be paying. I do hope the EPG reductions will be seen to be applied very very soon for the account view rather than just being applied at the bill generation stage. This would demonstate the transparency of the EPG process and reduce the stress levels for all.

    This weekend customers cannot contact Eon Next - no phones today, snail mail will be backlogged now and lord knows what (if anything) is happening on the social media platforms. I can see the Eon switchboard being jammed on Monday if no other actions are taken this weekend.
  • DannyE's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hopefully it’s an error. My only advice is to monitor the amount of units both for electric and gas you use between 00:00 this morning and when you eventually get through to someone. We are getting charged at 0.50p for electric and 0.14p for gas, when it should be an average of 0.34p and 0.10p. If you use let’s say 50 units of electric (example only) and 20 units of gas before Monday, that equates to and extra £8.80 to EonNext over the weekend. Now multiply that by how ever many customers EonNext has, and wow nice little earner for them.
  • Stevens1249's Avatar
    Level 6
    I’m now on Eon standard tariff but my unit charges are showing 50.87 p/kWh for electricity and 14.66 p/kWh for gas. Both these appear to be above the price cap.
    I’ve sent a WhatsApp to Eon but as with everyone else, I’ve had no reply.
    Last edited by Stevens1249; 01-10-22 at 08:40. Reason: Spelling
  • Jac's Avatar
    Level 1
    Sounds like we all have the same issue -mine was £0.529 unit charge electric and £0.1474 unit charge gas when I logged onto the app this morning! That’s pretty much a 50% increase from before when it’s supposed to be about 27%!
    I’ve emailed them and am in a queue on messenger to talk to someone (though if they aren’t there that sounds doubtful)!

    I will go to the ombudsman if necessary! It’s really not good enough is it!?
  • Mcgilld's Avatar
    Level 1
    I'm the same , hope this gets backdated to the 0.34p per KW/h .
  • pjd's Avatar
    Level 5
    @joniG It is clearly stated online today this update of the weird Price Cap is now a Price Guarantee. And the figurers given are very clear:

    New energy price guarantee rates from 1 October 2022 Current price cap
    (until 30 September 2022)
    Gas Unit rate: 10.33p per kWh

    Standing charge: 28.49p per day
    Unit rate: 7.37p per kWh

    Standing charge: 27.22p per day
    Electricity Unit rate: 34.04p per kWh

    Standing charge: 46.36p per day
    Unit rate: 28.34p per kWh

    Standing charge: 45.34p per day

    But Eon have told me I will be paying 52p for electric and 14p for gas when my tariff ends on 1st November.

    We need to be told EXACTLY what is going on. These figures are far higher than this `guarantee` -- and, frankly, unaffordable on a pension.

    We need answers and we need them NOW!
