Next Online v19 under the Energy Price Guarantee

  • TommyUTV's Avatar
    Level 1
    I've been very confused about the way e.On have managed the implementation of EPG. My previous fixed tarriff has just ended, and last month before EPG was announced, I signed on to the Next Online v19 tariff. My direct debit was set at £332 based on my annual usage.

    When EPG was announced I used the calculator on MSE to calculate what my energy bill should be this year based on the discounted EPG unit cost and standing charge, it came out to around £2,600. I contacted e.ON to find out why my DD was still set at £332, much more than needed to cover my reduced estimated annual charge, and they said the only thing they could do was reduce the DD by 10% because my account was in credit.

    Since then I've had a reduction of my DD to £265 per month, which I assume is from the £400 discount, but my tariff still seems to show the pre-EPG unit cost and standing charge. My question is when this has been updated will my direct debit be reduced further to account for the reduced costs?
  • Indy's Avatar
    Level 2
    Good to hear if this is the reality of it all - Eon Next really need to let all of its recent (and more expensive compared to the SVT/EPG) fixed tariff customers know via message/on their web pages that they intend reducing fixed tariff rates all the way to match the SVT/EPG rates which, for electricity prices will be in excess of 17p/kWh.

    EDIT: Looks like Eon Next have reduced my v18 rates all the way to the SVT/EPG cap

    New v18 tariff.jpg

    My Gas seems to have reduced to the same as yours, however electricity is at UR - 42.67 p/kWh / SC - 43.39 p/day...
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    The reduction from the £400 contribution is only £66/£67 per month, so that cannot be the entire reason for the reduction.

    price cap average values were £1977 from April, due to go to £3600 in October, but the EPG cuts it to £2,500 (regional and payment methods also apply). Your figures are higher because presumably you're a bit larger than average user. The reduction to £265 looks to me as being the EPG reduction, and the £66/£67 reduction is still to come, but only time will tell.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • MCeeJay's Avatar
    Level 9
    My Gas seems to have reduced to the same as yours, however electricity is at UR - 42.67 p/kWh / SC - 43.39 p/day...

    My v19 tariff started on 1st October and was 60.47p/kWh for electric and 15.22p/kWh for gas. It has now changed to 42.62p/10.80p and my next direct debit is exactly the same post this change (minus the £67).

    I sent an email to EON Next shortly after the EPG was announced and asked to cancel the v19 and leave me on SVR, but was told there was no need as prices would be adjusted accordingly.

    I replied to this when the Government put the details up with the 17p/4.2p reductions to point out even with that I would still be above the 34p/10.3p that SVR would be, again to be told there is no need to change, prices would be adjusted accordingly.

    At this point I really do not know what to say about the mess they have made of this..............
  • onyourbike's Avatar
    Level 8

    My V19 rates haven't been reduced to those levels unfortunately. They changed to this today:


    Next Online v19
    Fixed term ends 01/10/2023
    41.30 p/kWh 48.91 p/day(All rates inc. VAT)
    Next Online v19
    Fixed term ends 01/10/2023
    10.55 p/kWh 27.22 p/day(All rates inc. VAT)
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    This post may help to allay your fears.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • MCeeJay's Avatar
    Level 9
    This post may help to allay your fears.

    This is all well and good, but I am baffled at the lack of communication about any of this.

    It's been a real mess, maybe I'm just applying too much common sense, but in my mind anybody that was on a fix under the EPG should have been left at that, anybody on the fix above those prices should have just been automatically moved to the SVR. Sounds easy right................?
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    It does sound easy and it has been a real mess. I'm not here to stick up for Eon Next but neither am I an IT expert. Lots of change, hot on the heels of the last (price cap) change, and lots of customers on different tariffs.

    Was it really ever going to be easy?
  • Indy's Avatar
    Level 2
    To be honest, yes, it should be that easy... remember, this isn't a one man in his shed operation, this is a massive company.

    EVERYONE on a fixed tariff above the rate just needs to be adjusted down. SVT stays as is and everyone under stays as is...
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 59
    Having looked at the figures again those on V19 (and V20) are confirming what I now know after looking at the EPG - Fixed Tariff implementation.

    Eon Next have not reduced my v18 tariff rates down to what I believe will be the Next Flex EPG tariff rates. I say believe because Eon Next have still not published their regional rates for Next Flex (post EPG) for me to check and I am thus reliant on the EDF tables and the MSE data!

    Yes Eon Next have reduced unit tariff rates on both utilities and my gas rates do come down to the cap. The electricity comes down in excess of the HMG guidelines of 17p/kWh but only just (17.85p/kWh) to a now adjusted account rate of 34.01p/kWh. The 17p has been inflated by another 5% (VAT?) to give me the 17.85p reduction. This is still above what I believe should be the EPG rate on the cap for the Northern region of 32.24p/kWh. For my yearly consumption this would make staying on v18 some £36.87 more expensive than going to the cap (if Eon care to let us all in on their regional rates that would be great). At least v18 is on the margin but v19 and certainly v20 are most certainly not. Looks like the reductions for v19 and v20 customers are nowhere near where they should be to go to the cap.

    They appear coincidentally to have reduced my v18 electricity rates down to the '34p average rate for the whole country' rather than the cap rate that will apply in the NE where I live! but looking at others posting in this thread with v19 they are nowhere near it.

    Having seen these reports starting to come in of customers fixing relatively recently I just don't know what to think anymore. If things stay as they are presently then CS will be suffering from the stampede of customers exiting v20/v19/v18 back on to the variable tariff which means the phones are going to be clogged up again. Frustrations will happen if CS cling to the mantra of 'we advise customers not to come out of their fix'. Rest assured that if these rates stay as they are for more than a day or two, I too will be joining the stampede.
    Last edited by Mailman; 03-10-22 at 14:49.