Price increase moving from V19 to Next Flex

  • whiskeycola's Avatar
    Level 1

    A few weeks ago before the EPG was announced I opted to go for the V19 fix which would start on 6th October 2022. The monthly direct debit was set at £305 a month. A couple of days ago when I looked at my account it went down to £239 a month. I assume this was because of the £400 gov discount over 6 months being applied.

    However, today I called up customer services and requested if I could cancel my V19 and put me onto the SVT Next Flex tariff instead. That was all fine and I've been switched over to Next Flex but when I look at my account the direct debit has now increased to £269 a month and I can't quite work out why it would be that high. I have entered my usage on Martin Lewis's energy calculator for (Gas) 6392 and (Elec) 4200 and the direct debit should be around £198 a month and that's before any of the Gov's £400 discounts are applied.

    Am I best to wait till 1st Oct or should I query this with customer services? It all just seems a bit of a mess.
  • 5 Replies

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    A bit of a mess right enough. That's why, being on a fixed tariff myself, I chose to follow Martin Lewis' (and others) advice and do nothing. I could be wrong but I think it will be sorted without me contacting anyone or doing anything. Time will tell, of course.

    In your case, perhaps your move to Next Flex has reduced your original DD to what it is now and the £67 reduction will be applied to this at a later date. As you have had success contacting customer service you could try again but you may not have the same success next time.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • whiskeycola's Avatar
    Level 1

    A bit of a mess right enough. That's why, being on a fixed tariff myself, I chose to follow Martin Lewis' (and others) advice and do nothing. I could be wrong but I think it will be sorted without me contacting anyone or doing anything. Time will tell, of course.

    In your case, perhaps your move to Next Flex has reduced your original DD to what it is now and the £67 reduction will be applied to this at a later date. As you have had success contacting customer service you could try again but you may not have the same success next time.

    That's what I think has happened. It has reduced the original direct debit from £305 when I was on V19 to £269 but it's missing the £67 reduction. I think might just be best to wait till 1st Oct and check then then query it.
  • Marypw's Avatar
    Level 6
    Hello, I am in exactly the same position as you, with a switch from V7 to V19 on 6th October.

    Currently when I login, I see the amounts for payment with the £67 reduction, but without the cap. I do wish Eon would hurry up and send out the corrected information. Its my understanding that we have no exit fees, so we can switch to Next Flex, which will be cheaper, at any time.

    I guess the utility companies have had completely inadequate notice to get this set-up, so I do feel sorry for their call centre staff!
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    When I log in I’m in the same position as you. The £67 has been taken off my existing fixed tariff DD but my new tariff rates are not showing.

    I’m sitting tight anyway but the last thing I would do at this late stage is introduce more confusion by switching to Next Flex.

    Only a few days and hopefully we’ll get the complete picture and can then make a decision based on full information.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    As we’re not into October yet the new rates shouldn’t show now.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.