provisional transaction

  • irvo's Avatar
    Level 1
    i have had a provisional transaction off you am on a fixed tarriff of £152 a month and you are trying to charge me an extra £96 provisional transaction this is wrong i dont understand why you are charging me this as i am all ways in credit and you have metre readings every month which you say are accurate i can not afford to pay any more am not a millonaire please stop this now i live on my own in a 2 bedroom house dont have the gas on only when i have a shower and my boiler is eco freindley i think your trying to justify the £152 am paying now which i will not use please stop doing this to people as it is not right.
  • 1 Reply

  • Andy65's Avatar
    Level 49
    i have had a provisional transaction off you am on a fixed tarriff of £152 a month and you are trying to charge me an extra £96 provisional transaction this is wrong i dont understand why you are charging me this as i am all ways in credit and you have metre readings every month which you say are accurate i can not afford to pay any more am not a millonaire please stop this now i live on my own in a 2 bedroom house dont have the gas on only when i have a shower and my boiler is eco freindley i think your trying to justify the £152 am paying now which i will not use please stop doing this to people as it is not right.

    Hi @irvo

    There's a few posts on here about provisional transactions, such as this one which may help to explain it. The provisional transaction of £96 should disappear in a short while.