Direct Debit reduction - This worked for me on EDF!

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  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    Welcome to EDF Energy Online Customer Service Team. You're chatting with Sudeep. How can I help you?
    Sudeep - 12:21
    I'd like to lower my direct debit because I'm in credit and the prices in my tariff have been lowered by the governments EPG. I think £130 is more than enough!
    lower my Direct debit - 12:22
    I understand your concern. I will check the account and try my best to assist you further regarding this.
    I am checking details now.
    Sudeep - 12:26
    Thank you for waiting.
    Sudeep - 12:31
    I don't have a choice - do I?
    lower my Direct debit - 12:31
    In the Direct Debit payment scheme you generally receive two bills a year in a gap of six months. The Direct Debit amount is variable and is subject to increase or decrease based on your consumption, your account balance and the weather patterns so that you do not have to pay a high bill in one go. The tariff unit rates and standing charges stay the same on a fixed tariff, not the Direct Debit payment amount. The estimated cost is divided by 12. At the time of the annual billing we would like to ensure that the account balance is zero. Please note that in a fixed tariff the unit rates and standing charges remains fixed and DD will be based on your consumption.
    According to your latest bill dated 10.08.2022, the system has predicted that you would use £1032 in the coming months which clearly indicates that the payments that we were collecting in lieu of your monthly usage was not sufficient to cover your actual cost of your consumption and hence the amount has been revised to £172 from 06.09.2022. Your annual review date is on 25.02.2023.
    This has also been done to avoid accumulation of any debit balance on your account post your annual review, as if the account is still in arrears post generation of the annual bill, then the entire debit balance would get carried forward to the next billing cycle. Similarly any credit balance above £40 at the time of annual bill will get refunded. If the amount is reduced further there might be higher debit balance which we as a supplier would never want.
    We have not yet received the credit from Government and as soon received. Payment will be revised.
    Sudeep - 12:32
    EDF has published the revised rates on its website. My Gas unit price will be 10.309p per kWh.. please lower my DD as requested. Or else refund my balance and set a new DD going forward.
    lower my Direct debit - 12:36
    Alright. I will revise the payment to £130 as requested.
    Working on it now.
    Sudeep - 12:38
    New Direct Debit Amount: £130.00
    Change Effective From: 17.09.2022
    Next Payment Date: 06.10.2022
    Next Annual Review: 25.02.2023
    Is there anything else I can help you with?
    Sudeep - 12:45
    No thank you - it was a pleasure dealing with you!
    lower my Direct debit - 12:46
    You are most welcome.
    It's lovely chatting with you and we assure you with all the help in future as well. Take care and stay safe and Have a great weekend.
    Thank you for chatting with me today. Please click on the X at the top right of the chat window to close our conversation.
    EDF really values your feedback, please take the time to answer a few questions about your experience with us.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
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  • Andy65's Avatar
    Level 49
    They can't argue with facts and logic, too many just pay a monthly amount without knowing what they use or how to calculate what they should be paying.