i was told it's only a guide

  • Kb660's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hello, My smart meter and my home display usage / monthly cost is approx £20 cheaper a month than what i am being charged . I have questioned this over the phone . My answer was the display is only a guide and not to be used regarding my bill. How can this be? Surely the point of the display is so you can see what you use and adjust accordingly to cut back and save ,not be charged £20 more than what you can see on your equiptment . Has anybody else had this happen to them ? Thank you .
  • 4 Replies

  • Andy65's Avatar
    Level 48
    Hi @Kb660

    It sounds like a tariff price update hasn't been sent to your meter, if you look at this thread, and there others appearing daily, you'll see that it's a very common problem.

    On your IHD you should be able to see the prices per kWh and for the Standing Charge(s). Check them against your bill, they will probably lower because it's likely that your tariff has increased but the update hasn't been sent to your meter/IHD.

    You'll need to contact Customer Services again and ask them to send a tariff update, it should be one of the easier tasks for them to complete as there's a lot of it going on.
  • Kb660's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Andy65 Hi Andy and thanks . My tariff is up to date as they checked this . I had a new meter installed in February as my old one had stopped sending readings . I just feel as though i have been completely fobbed off with this . Rude people on the phone talking over me as i tried to get a answers to my questions . I just wondered if i was the only one . It does feel like a complete rip off . Thanks again for replying .
  • Andy65's Avatar
    Level 48
    Hi @Kb660

    To be honest I have no idea how accurate the cost function is on the IHDs, I only have mine set on live electricity consumption.
    I would have expected them to be reasonably accurate, after all it's just kWh x Rate + Standing Charge, it's about as simple as you can get.

    I've just looked at what my IHD has said that I've used this year (My smart meters were installed early January so that's when it starts from), for electricity it says that I've used 880 kWH and the cost was £167. I read my meters every month and record them in a spreadsheet, it also has the tariff rates and calculates the cost and it's accurate to the penny as I compare it to my bills.
    My spreadsheet only goes to the end of July as it's updated monthly, but it says I've used 865 kWh at a cost of £163.60 (This does not include August so far). Therefore, I would say that my IHD is pretty accurate over this6 to 7 month period and if there is any error, it's negligible.

    It might be worth checking it over a 7 day period, or longer, take meter readings and work out the costs yourself.
    Last edited by Andy65; 06-08-22 at 08:14. Reason: Correction, previous comment was wrong!